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Solidarity with the Holy Land - Statement of the John Paul II Catholic University

It is with great sadness that we received the news of the outbreak of war in the Holy Land. On behalf of the entire academic community of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, we express our sympathy and solidarity with all those affected by the military action.  

We recall the words of Pope Francis who, during the Angelus prayer last Sunday, pointed out that terrorism and war do not lead to a solution, but only to death, to the suffering of so many innocent people. "War is a failure, every war is a failure. Let us pray for peace in Israel and Palestine," said the Holy Father. We join in this call and ask for the intercession of our great Patron Saint John Paul II, for whom the Holy Land and the peaceful coexistence of all its peoples were fundamental issues.


Rev. Prof. Dr. Habil.  Miroslaw Kalinowski, Rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Rev. Prof. Dr. Habil. Miroslaw S. Wróbel, Rector's Representative for the Catholic-Jewish Relations and Scientific Research in the Holy Land

Rev. Dr. Habil. Marcin Kowalski, Prof. KUL, Director of the The Abraham J. Heschel Center for Catholic-Jewish Relations at KUL