Academic year 2023/2024
Year I - Semester 1 (cycle 2023/2024)
Compulsory courses
Computer networks and Internet
Introduction to computer science
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Protection of intellectual property
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year I - Semester 2 (cycle 2023/2024)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms of numerical analysis
Fundamentals of algorithms and programming
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year II - Semester 3 (cycle 2022/2023)
Compulsory courses
Computer modeling and simulations
Foundations of probabilistic methods
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Mathematical basics for computer graphics
Year II - Semester 4 (cycle 2022/2023)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and data structures
Object-oriented programming II
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Internet applications development
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Methods and algorithms for computer graphics
Year III - Semester 5 (cycle 2021/2022)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and computational complexity
Elective courses
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Elective seminar courses
Modern approaches to software development
Practical placement
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Year III - Semester 6 (cycle 2021/2022)
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Programming project: programming, algorithms and databases
Elective seminar courses
Modern approaches to software development
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Academic year 2022/2023
Year I - Semester 1 (cycle 2022/2023)
Compulsory courses
Computer networks and Internet
Introduction to computer science
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Protection of intellectual property
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year I - Semester 2 (cycle 2022/2023)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms of numerical analysis
Fundamentals of algorithms and programming
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year II - Semester 3 (cycle 2021/2022)
Compulsory courses
Computer modeling and simulations
Foundations of probabilistic methods
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Mathematical basics for computer graphics
Year II - Semester 4 (cycle 2021/2022)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and data structures
Object-oriented programming II
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Internet applications development
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Methods and algorithms for computer graphics
Year III - Semester 5 (cycle 2020/2021)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and computational complexity
Elective courses
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Elective seminar courses
Modern approaches to software development
Network technologies of data protection
Practical placement
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Year III - Semester 6 (cycle 2020/2021)
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Programming project: programming, algorithms and databases
Programming project: graphics programming
Programming project: network and internet technology
Elective seminar courses
Modern approaches to software development
Network technologies of data protection
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Academic year 2021/2022
Year I - Semester 1 (cycle 2021/2022)
Compulsory courses
Computer networks and Internet
Introduction to computer science
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Protection of intellectual property
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year I - Semester 2 (cycle 2021/2022)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms of numerical analysis
Fundamentals of algorithms and programming
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year II - Semester 3 (cycle 2020/2021)
Compulsory courses
Computer modeling and simulations
Foundations of probabilistic methods
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Mathematical basics for computer graphics
Year II - Semester 4 (cycle 2020/2021)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and data structures
Object-oriented programming II
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Internet applications development
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Methods and algorithms for computer graphics
Year III - Semester 5 (cycle 2019/2020)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms of numerical analysis
Elective courses
Elective seminar courses
Modern approaches to software development
Network technologies of data protection
Practical placement
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Year III - Semester 6 (cycle 2019/2020)
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective seminar courses
Modern approaches to software development
Network technologies of data protection
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Laboratory of programming: web frameworks
Programming project: programming, algorithms and databases
Programming project: graphics programming
Programming project: network and internet technology
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Specialisation: computer graphics and multimedia
Academic year 2020/2021
Year I - Semester 1 (cycle 2020/2021)
Compulsory courses
Computer networks and Internet
Introduction to computer science
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Protection of intellectual property
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year I - Semester 2 (cycle 2020/2021)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms of numerical analysis
Fundamentals of algorithms and programming
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year II - Semester 3 (cycle 2019/2020)
Compulsory courses
Computer modeling and simulations
Foundations of probabilistic methods
Object-oriented programming
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Year II - Semester 4 (cycle 2019/2020)
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and data structures
Object-oriented programming II
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Internet applications development
Year III - Semester 5 (cycle 2018/2019)
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective seminar courses
Practical placement
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Year III - Semester 6 (cycle 2018/2019)
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective seminar courses
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Programming project: programming, algorithms and databases
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Academic year 2019/2020
Year I - Semester 1
Compulsory courses
Computer networks and Internet
Introduction to computer science
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Protection of intellectual property
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year I - Semester 2
Compulsory courses
Algorithms and computational complexity
Fundamentals of algorithms and programming
Introduction to differential and integral calculus
Elective courses
Foreign language classes
Physical education
Year II - Semester 3
Compulsory courses
Algorithms of numerical analysis
Computer modeling and simulations
Foundations of probabilistic methods
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Year II - Semester 4
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Internet applications development
Year III - Semester 5
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective seminar courses
Practical placement
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Year III - Semester 6
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Elective seminar courses
Elective programming courses
Laboratory of programming: applications in basic programming environments
Programming project: programming, algorithms and databases
Specialisation: programming and information processing
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15.10.2024, godz. 18:17 - Ewa Pajdowska