Department of the History of English and Translation Studies
The Department of the History of English and Translation Studies was created in 2014 at the initiative of Dr. habil. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik, Associate Professor. The research conducted by the employees of the Department of the History of English and Translation Studies centres around two main research areas: the history of the English language, and translation studies, frequently combining the two. The investigation whose main interest lies in translation studies is conducted by Dr. habil. Konrad Klimkowski, Associate Professor, Joanna Mirek, M.A., and Roman Isopenko, M.A. The rest of the Department's employees focus in their research on the history of English (Dr. habil. Artur Bartnik), but taking as the basis of their studies historical texts and their English translations (Dr. habil. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik, Associate Professor, and Dr. Kinga Lis). Their analyses encompass not only purely linguistic aspects (e.g. syntax, lexicon or orthography), but also paleography (Joanna Grzybowska, M.A.), historical, social and cultural context since only such an interdisciplinary perspective ensures that the results obtained in the course of the research are valid.
Author: Kinga Lis
Last update: 12.04.2021, hr. 21:26 - Kinga Lis
Last update: 12.04.2021, hr. 21:26 - Kinga Lis