Polish version


Agata Błachnio, Phd with habilitation


Psychologist, Speach terapist         

Emotion and Motivation Psychology Department

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Al. Racławickie 14 
20-950 Lublin
room: C-510

phone: 81 44 53 510

e-mail: gatta@kul.pl



I have been named one of the Top 2% World Researchers by Stanford University (in 2023)

Research interests:

Psychology of new media (Internet, social networking sites), mobile phone addiction, phubbing, Psychology of emotions (drivers behaviours), human behaviors as: academic cheating, spare time.


Selected publications (from 2012)


ICR Journal Citation Reports



European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)




Scientific activity

Member of  International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology IACCP and the Polish Society of Social Psychology (PSPS).

Editor of Board in International Journal of Applied Psychology.

Member of Klub Miłośników Listy Filadelfijskiej


Ad hoc reviewer for: Psychologia Społeczna, Polish Psychological Bulletin, Cyberpsychology & Behavior, Quality of Life, Roczniki Psychologiczne, International Journal of Applied Psychology, Time&Society, Computers in Human Behaviour, Studia Psychologica, EJPAU, Medycyna Pracy


Leading national or international collaborative research projects

  1. Ministry of Health, 2022-2023, The impact of physical activity encouragement on screen time, performing physical activity and emotional balance. The role of problematic use of new media and daily stresses. No. 243/HT/2022 (Head)
  2. Ministry of Health, 2022-2023, The impact of mindfulness practice on the relationship between screen time and daily satisfaction. The moderating role of problematic phone use and high sensitivity. No. 178/HE/2022 (Head)
  3. Ministry of Health, 2021-2022, The relationship of problematic mobile phone use and fatigue. The role of social jet lag, social contact and time in front of the screen. Diary studies. No. 213/HT/2021 (Head)
  4. Ministry of Health, 2020-2021, The role of electromagnetic fields in the relationship between mobile phone addiction, emotional functioning and physical activity. No. 288/HT/2020 (Head)
  5. Ministry of Health, 2020-2021, The impact of social networking addiction, social interaction and coping with stress on the relationship between daily stressors and daily satisfaction. Diary research. No. 304/HE/2019 (Head)
  6. Ministry of Health, 2019-2020, "Helping by clicking" as a form of emotion regulation vs. guilt and shame in Facebook addiction. No. 347/HT/2019 (Head)
  7. Ministry of Health, 2019, The relationship of mindfulness, self-control and mobile phone addiction moderated by vulnerability to boredom, loneliness, and experiencing positive and negative emotions as a consequence of this addiction. No. 304/HE/2019 (Head)
  8. Ministry of Health, 2018, Social and family functioning and problematic use of social networks. No. 100/HM/2018 (Head)
  9. The National Science Centre, Opus, 2017-2023, Media multitasking: its determinants and impact on task performance. No. 2017/26/M/HS6/00779 (Head) (study across 7 countries)
  10. The National Science Centre, Harmonia, No. 2017-2023, Cross-cultural perspectives on mobile phone addiction and phubbing. No. 2017/25/B/HS6/01517 (Head) (study across 20 countries)
  11. Ministry of Health, 2016, Emotional functioning, Facebook addiction and their links to mental health. No. 100/HM/2016 (Head)
  12. The National Science Centre, Opus, 2015-2017, Personality and cultural determinants of social network use with Facebook as an example. No. 2014/15/B/HS6/03129 (Head)
  13. State Committee for Scientific Research, 2004-2005, Psychological determinants of disloyalty. No. 2HO1F 001 25 (Head)



International cooperation

2014 -    coordinator of research on social networking sites. Countries: Lebanon, China, US, Italy, Turkey, France, Israel, Romania, Jordan.

2011 –    project IPATHA (International Project Attitudes Toward Human Attributes, cooperation with prof. Kenneth St. Louis (West Virginia University, USA)

2011 –     project „Aggression among drivers" cooperation with z prof. David Wiesenthalem (York University, Canada)

2011 –     project „Anxiety among drivers” cooperation with dr Mark Sullman (Cranfield University, UK)

2008 –     member of research team "Time Orientation Group"  (coordinator: prof. P. Zimbardo, University of Standford, USA)


Current lectures and classes

psychology of Internet, psychology of emotion,


Books and editoral work


Błachnio, A. (2008). Psychologia zdrady. Warszawa: Difin.


Błachnio, A & Przepiórka, A. (Ed.). (2009). Closer to emotions 3. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Kul

Błachnio, A., Przepiórka, A. & Rowiński, T. (Ed.). (2010). Internet in Psychological Research. Wydawnictwo UKSW.

Błachnio, A & Gózik, A. (red.). (2006). Bliżej emocji. Lublin : Wydawnictwo Kul

Błachnio, A & Przepiórka, A. (red.). (2007). Bliżej emocji 2. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Kul

special issue

Błachnio, A. i Przepiórka, A. (2013). Psychologia Społeczna, 3.

Przepiórka, A. i Błachnio, A. (2013). Polish Psychological Bulletin, 44(2).

Gorbaniuk, O., Kostrubiec, B., Musiał, D., Wiechetek, M., Przepiórka, A., Błachnio, A. (2011). Studia z Psychologii w KUL, 17.



photography and travels

Autor: Agata Błachnio
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 10.06.2024, godz. 14:43 - Agata Błachnio