Msgr. Sławomir NOWOSAD, Diocese of Zamość-Lubaczów, Poland.

Born 16 December 1960, Zamość, Poland.

Honorary Canon of the Cathedral Chapter in Zamość (1997); Chaplain of His Holiness (2009).


 · Education

 · Academic Positions and Teaching Experience

 · Professional Membership

 · Books

 · Invited Lectures Abroad (selection)

 · Grants, Scholarships and Research (international)

 · Major areas of professional interests and research 

 · Doctoral dissertations

 · Master’s theses



1967-1979: Elementary and secondary education in Zamość, Poland.

1979-1984: University studies in Philosophy and Theology at Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski (KUL – Catholic University of Lublin), Lublin, Poland.

1984: MA in Theology (with distinction).

1984: Ordained a Roman Catholic priest; 1984-1988: pastoral ministry.

1988-1992: Doctoral studies in Moral Theology at KUL, Poland.

1992: Doctorate in Moral Theology at KUL.

2001: Habilitation in moral theology at KUL.
2022: Full Professor of Theology.


Academic Positions and Teaching Experience


1991-2002: Lecturer and Assistant Professor.

2002: Associate Professor.

2002-: Chair of Ecumenical Moral Theology.

2002-2005: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theology.

2008-2012: Vice-Rector of KUL.
2016-2020: Dean of the Faculty of Theology.
2022: Ordinary Professor.
2024-: Chair of Fundamental and Ecumenical Moral Theology.

At other institutions:

1990-1997: Vice-Rector of the Theological Seminary, Lublin – Zamość, Poland.

1993-2000: Professor and Dean of Studies at Theological Colleges in Zamość and Lublin, Poland.

1996: Visiting Professor at Studium Theologicum Ierosolymitanum, Jerusalem, Israel.

1998-2001: Visiting Professor at the Theological Institute in Spisska Kapitula, Slovakia.

2001-2007: Visiting Professor at the Theological Institute in Lviv, Ukraine.

2003-2008: Visiting Professor at the College of the Humanities and Economics in Zamość, Poland.
2016: Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, USA.

2022: Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, USA.


Professional Membership

In Poland

1993-: The Polish Association of Moral Theologians (vice-president 2013-2019).

1998-: The Learned Society of KUL.

2000-: The Lublin Learned Society.

2008-2012: The University Research Commission.

2015-: The Committee on Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2020-2023: Vice-President).

2017-: The Scientific Committee of the Aramaic Bible, KUL.



2000-2009: International Institute for Hermeneutics.
2005-: Catholic Universities Partnership, University of Notre Dame, Nanovic Institute, USA.

2010-: AVEPRO (Agency of the Holy See for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universitis and Faculties), The Vatican.



  • Teologia moralna ogólna [General Moral Theology], Lublin 1994.
  • [coeditor] Ut non evacuetur crux Christi. Świadectwo Kościoła kato­lic­kiego w systemie totalitarnym w Europie Środkowo-Wschod­niej [Ut non evacuetur crux Christi: The Testimony of the Catholic Church in the Totalitarian System in Central-Eastern Europe]. Lublin: TN KUL 1994; (co-author of one chapter p. 219-298).
  • [co-author] World Religions and the 1994 United Na­tions In­ternational Conference on Population and Deve­lopment, Chicago: The Park Ridge Center 1994.
  • Nazwać dobro po imieniu. Sumienie w anglikańskiej teolo­gii moralnej [To Call the Good by Name: Conscience in Anglican Moral Theology], Lublin: RW KUL 1996.
  • Odnowa anglikańskiej teologii moralnej w XX wieku [The Renewal of Anglican Moral Theology in the 20th c.], Lublin: RW KUL 2001.
  • Jesteśmy z Wieczernika [We Come from the Cenacle], Tarnów: Biblos 2008.
  • [editor] Barwy nauki. Nowoczesne technologie ICT w upowszechnianiu osiągnięć nauki [The Colours of Science: The Modern ICT in the Dissemination of Scientific Achievements], Lublin: KUL-TN KUL 2010.
  • [editor] W poszukiwaniu człowieka w człowieku. Chrześcijańskie korzenie nadziei [In Search of Man in Man: Christian Roots of Hope], Lublin: TN KUL 2012.
  • Moralne konsekwencje wiary. Szkice ekumeniczne i protestanckie [The Moral Consequences of Faith: Ecumenical and Protestant Essays], Lublin: TN KUL 2016.
  • Moralne konsekwencje wiary. Szkice anglikańskie [The Moral Consequences of Faith: Anglican Essays], Lublin: TN KUL 2016.
  • [editor] Vigo Auguste Demant, Not One World but Two: A Miscellany of Preachments, Lublin: TN KUL 2017.
  • [editor] 100 lat teologii na KUL, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2018 (English version: One Hundred Years of Theology at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2019).
  • On Man, Theology, and the University: Selected Issues in Moral Theology, Lublin: TN KUL 2020.

      Over 300 articles (scholarly, popular science, reviews, entries).


Invited Lectures Abroad (selection)

  • Genval, Belgium, 4-7.05.1994, lecture: Moral Problems of Demography: A Catholic Perspective.
  • Keston Institute, Oxford, UK, 17.02.2000, lecture: The Survival of the Church in Poland under Communism.
  • Lisbon, Portugal, 5.08.2004, COCTI, lecture: The Impact of the Diversity of Professors and Students in Faculties of Theology in the Context of a Growing Cultural Pluralism.
  • Montpellier, France, 13-14.11.2004, conference JAFARE: The Janus Faces of Religion. A European Perspective on the Religion-State Relationship, lecture: A Catholic Perspective on Church-State Relations.
  • Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame, USA, 1-4.04.2005, Catholic University Project, lecture: The Mission of the Catholic University in the Contemporary Context: Theology and Diversity.
  • Uppsala, Sweden, 28.03-1.04.2006, conference Teaching Religion in a Multicultural European Society, lecture: A Catholic Perspective on Teaching Religion in a Multicultural Society.
  • Newark, NJ, USA, 27.04.2006, lecture: The Legacy of John Paul II and the Catholic University of Lublin.
  • Padua, Italy, 7-11.07.2006, The First World Congress of Catholic Moral Theologians, lecture: Anthropology as the Basis for Ecology.
  • Lisbon, Portugal, 14-16.05.2009, Assembly of European Federation of Catholic Universities, lecture: University Students and the Mission of the University – A Polish Perspective.
  • Canmore, Canada, 20-28.07.2010, Summer School <Poland in the Rockies>, lectures: (1) A Transformation of Christianity in Poland in the late 20th c., (2) Catholic University of Lublin in the Communist Poland, (3) Catholic-Jewish Relations in Poland: Past and Present.
  • Sydney, Canisius College, Australia, 21-24.11.2010, lectures: (1) The Church in Modern Society, (2) Anglicanism and Its Contemporary Transformations, (3) The Church and Civil Society in Poland.
  • Chongqing, Yangtze Normal University, China, 5-15.09.2011, lectures: (1) The Mission and Role of the University in the Modern Society, (2) The Catholic University of Lublin in the Context of the International Academic Cooperation.
  • Maynooth, Ireland, 6-9.06.2012, The International Eucharistic Congress, Theology Symposium <The Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Communion>, lecture: Blessed John Paul II and the Ecclesiology of Communion.
  • Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame (Nanovic Institute), USA, 14.11.2012, lecture: Man as the Primary Way for the University.
  • Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, USA, 19.11.2012, lecture: The Martyrdom of the Polish Church and Polish Intelligentsia during WWII.
  • Chicago, USA, 18.10.2014, lecture: Kościół jako sakrament jedności [Church as a Sacrament of Unity].
  • Nairobi, Kenya, Tangaza University College, 24.01.2017, lecture: Martyrdom and Christian Ethics.
  • Zagreb, Croatia, Catholic University of Croatia, 12-13.05.2017, conferecne: Hope in the Future: The Experiences of Youth Under Communism, the Transition to Democracy and the Present, lecture: Communism Is Gone but the Debate About Man Continues.
  • Lviv, Ukraine, St. Józef Bilczewski Theological Institute, 21.10.2017, lecture: From an Anthropological Error to an Anthropological Revolution.
  • Pompano Beach, FL, USA, 5-9.02.2018, a series of lectures on anthropological and bioethical issues.
  • Lviv, Ukraine, Ukrainian Catholic University, 17-19.05.2018, conference: The Role of the Catholic University in Time of the Tensions of Populism and Nationalism, lecture: Resisting Temptations.
  • University of Notre Dame, USA, CUP, 30.06.2021, conference: The Trauma of Communism, paper: The Church in the Communist Poland: Looking Back Years Later.

  • St. Andrews University, Scotland, 26.10-11.11.2021, The Gifford Lectures 'The Disappearance of Ethics’ by Oliver O’Donovan (online), participation in the discussions following the lectures.

  • Catholic University in Rużemberok, Slovakia, 19-20.10.2023, conference: Distinguished Personalities from Catholic Universities and Their Stories, paper: Karol Wojtyła - Professor, Cardinal, Pope.

  • Catholic University of Croatia, Zagrzeb, Croatia, 10–11.05.2024, conference: From Friendship to Institutional Development: 20 Years of CUP,  paper: From Past to Present. 

  • Catholic Universities Partnership – annual conferences 2005-2023: USA, Poland, Slovakia, France, Ukraine, Hungary, Italy, Croatia.


Grants, Scholarships and Research (international)

  • 1991-2010: annual research visits at the Oxford University Bodleian Library and Christ Church Library.
  • 1996 July-August, Visiting Scholar at Christ Church, University of Oxford, UK.
  • 2000 January-June, Visiting Scholar at Keston Institute and St. Benet’s Hall, Oxford, UK.
  • 2006 and 2008, Visiting Scholar at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
  • 2012 October-December, Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Nanovic Institute for European Studies.
  • 2015 July-August, Visiting Scholar at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, USA.
  • 2016, Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, USA.
  • 2017, Executive Program for Catholic Leadership, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, USA.
  • 2018, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Conference commemorating KUL’s centenary, The Vatican.
  • 2019, Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, USA.
  • 2020, Visiting Scholar at the University of Helsinki (Helsingin Yliopisto), Finland.
  • 2022, Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, USA.
  • 2022, Research visit at the University of Oxford, Bodleian Library.

Research Projects

  • JAFARE: The Janus Faces of Religion: A European Perspective on the Religion-State Relationship, 2005. The aim of the project was a detailed analysis and exposition of religion-state (Church-state) relations in selected European countries. Beside KUL the following universities participated in the project: Groningen (The Netherlands, leader of the project), Marburg (Germany), Montpellier (France), Leuven (Belgium), Uppsala (Sweden), Bursa (Turkey).
  • TRES-TN: Teaching Religion in a Multicultural European Society, 2006. The project aimed at creating a thematic network covering the topic of teaching religion in multicultural European societies. Over 50 mainly academic institutions participated in the project and the leader was the University of Uppsala.
  • Nowoczesne technologie ICT w upowszechnianiu osiągnięć nauki [Modern Information and Communication Technologies for Spreading Scientific Achievements], 2009-2010. The objective of the project was to create a vortal serving the popularization of scientific achievements as well as to organize internships and research visits for KUL faculty in leading foreign academic centres. Another result was a series of 24 open seminars and lectures delivered at KUL by prominent international scientists and scholars. The book Barwy nauki [The Colours of Science] edited by S. Nowosad and B. Żurek was published by KUL Press in 2010.
  • The Catholic University in the Modern World, 2005-2023. It is a long-term project of the Catholic Universities Partnership whose aim has been to discern and analyse modern transformations of culture that affect the nature and mission of Catholic universities. Beside KUL and the Nanovic Institute for European Studies of the University of Notre Dame other Catholic universities have also been participants of the project: Budapest, Lviv, Rużomberok, Zagreb and Tbilisi.
  • The Trauma of Communism, 2021-2022. This project of the Catholic Universities Partnership sought to identify long-standing consequences of living in the Communist regime countries and societies, including their impact on higher education and Catholic universities. The result of the project is the book The Trauma of Communism (eds. C. Sedmak, A.J. McAdams) published by the Ukrainian Catholic University Press in 2022.
  • The Faith and Freedom Initiative, 2021-2023. This project aims at getting the idea how Christian (Catholic) faith supported and guided people in a moral and spiritual manner in their life in Communist countries and after the collapse of the Marxist regimes. The coordinator of the project is the Nanovic Institute for European Studies of the University of Notre Dame and the participants are Catholic universities of the Catholic Universities Partnership. A vast collection of interviews and testimonies has been gathered, which is to serve as a digital archive for further research.


Major areas of professional interests and research: ecumenical context of Christian morality, Anglican moral theology and spirituality, Protestant ethics, moral issues of demography, ecology, the (Catholic) university in the context of the transformations in modern culture, ethics in non-Christian religions.


Doctoral dissertations supervised at KUL: 14.

Master’s theses supervised at KUL: 98.

Autor: Ewa Zięba
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 08.10.2024, godz. 10:03 - Ewa Zięba