Dr. habil. Aneta Kramiszewska, Assistant Professor - Head of the Department
Dr. Elżbieta Błotnicka-Mazur, Assistant Professor, as of October 21, 2024 director of the Museum of the John Paull II Catholic University of Lublin
Fields of interest: art of the 1960s and 1970s; painting, sculpture and architecture of the interwar period, modernist architecture
Current research: artistic activity of Adam Marczyński from Kraków Group of artists; sculpture in the public space and cross-disciplinary artistic phenomena
International cooperation:
- 2024 - participation in the 16th World Congress of Semiotics: Signs and Realities, organisers: International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Faculty of Linguistics University of Warsaw, September 2-6, 2024, Warsaw (Poland), paper: The codes of Adam Marczyński's "Variables" in artistic reality; moderator of the session in the panel "Semiotic(s) and artistic realities"
- 2022 - participation in 15th Congress of Semiotics: Semiotics in the Lifeworld, organiser: Association for Semiotic Studies, Hellenic Semiotic Society, University of Macedonia, Culture Borders Gender Lab., Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia, August 30 - September 3, 2022; paper: Between an emotion and a rational sign. Selected ideas of geometric art; moderator of the session "21st Century Multimedia, semiotics and sentiments" within the panel „Translating sentiments: music, literature, and visual arts en face the signs in human culture from Antiquity to the 21st century”
- since 2022 - a member of an interdisciplinary Research Encouters led by Prof. Eero Tarasti (Helsinki).
- 2019 – Masters of Didactics project – study visit in Ghent University (Belgium), 23-29.06.2019, Cohort 4.
- 2019 – PROM – implemented by NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange) within non-competitive project ‘PROM – International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff’, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, co-financed from the European Social Fund, agreement No POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13/18; host institution: Instituto de História da Arte (ARTIS), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa, April 8-14, 2019.
- Selected publications in English:
- 'Dispersion of a work of art – Adam Marczyński, Tadeusz Kantor, Karol Broniatowski', Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts, 24 (2022), pp. 119-138, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AI/2022/24/8; https://repozytorium.kul.pl/handle/20.500.12153/4005.
- 'Edward Krasiński’s 'Overhead Sculptures': A Manifestation of Modernity', Modernism/Modernity, 29 (2022), issue 3 (September), pp. 653-671.
- 'Colour as a “ready-made”. Notes on the margins of the works of Adam Marczyński', „Saeculum Christianum”, 28 (2021). Special issue, pp. 176-186; DOI https://doi.org/10.21697/sc.2021.28.spec.13; http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12153/1992
- 'Art and Artists in City Space. Political and Economic Conditions of Art-based Revitalisation/Gentrification in Poland in Both the Communist and Neo-liberal Reality: Elbląg Biennale of Spatial Forms and Gdańsk Shipyard case studies', Roczniki Humanistyczne, 69 (2021), issue 4, pp. 425-445; DOI: http://doi.org/10.18290/rh21694-19;
- ‘The image of art between ideology and modernity. Elbląg Biennales of Spatial Forms in 1960's Poland’, ARTis ON 9 (2019), pp. 97-106.
- ‘The taming of space in recovered territories. The participatory aspects of Biennale of Spatial Forms in Elbląg and Visual Arts Symposium Wrocław '70’, Art Inquiry 20 (2018), pp. 133-157.
- ‘Rethinking Polish assemblages of the 1960s: the re(turn) to things’, Roczniki Humanistyczne 66 (2018), no. 4, pp. 131-150.
Dr. Anna Dzierżyc-Horniak, Research Associate
Fields of interest: contemporary art since 1945; The Foksal Gallery; new media art; art criticism
Current research: the Polish art since the 1960s to the 1980s; contemporary artistic practices within categories such as ‘white cube’, ‘archives’, ‘architecture of memory’, ‘presence’, ‘the performative turn’
International cooperation:
- 2019 – international Polish-Japanese conference The Signature of the Artist. The Presence of Japanese Tradition in Contemporary Polish Art, Institute of Art Education The Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, Polish Institute of World Art Studies, Association of Polish Architects (Warsaw), paper: What is needed is concentration, inner silence and willingness to listen. Koji Kamoji in creative dialogue with Polish artists.
- 2019 – international conference Artistic contacts between political blocs after World War II in Central Europe: visual arts, power, cultural propaganda, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Kalisz, Kalisz Society of Friends of Sciences (Kalisz); paper: ‘These were interesting adventures and sort of bestowed on us...’. Foksal Gallery in the wide world of British exhibitions.
- 2015 – Interdisciplinary international conference Text versus a piece of art, Department of Art History, Department of Slavic Studies the University of Lodz, Waldemar Ceran Research Centre of the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe CERANEUM, Faculty of the History of Arts at the Lviv National Academy of Arts, paper: The word as a picture and a thing in the gallery space. Conceptual games with text on the example of selected realization in the Foksal Gallery
- 2015 – VI conference Modern Art in Toruń: Paryż i artyści polscy /Paris et les artistes polonais / Paris and the Polish Artists 1945-1989, Polish Institute of World Art Studies, Department of Art History of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Center of Contemporary Art „Znaki Czasu”, (Toruń) [international], paper: „Polish art is an interest, otherwise it won’t be seen, as in comparison with what is being done in the world…”. Foksal Gallery and Polish-French artistic relations.
- Publications in English:
- ‘What one needs is concentration, inner silence, a willingness to listen: Koji Kamoji in Artistic Dialogue with Polish Artists’, in: Poland-Japan. Contemporary art and artistic relations, M. Durda-Dmitruk (ed.), Polish Institute of World Art Studies & Tako Publishing House, Warsaw-Toruń 2019, p. 43-52.
- “‘Polish art is an interest, otherwise it won’t be seen, as in comparison with what is being done in the world…”. Foksal Gallery and Polish-French artistic relations’, in: Paris et les artistes polonais / Paris and the Polish Artists 1945-1989, M. Geron, J. Malinowski, J. W. Sienkiewicz (eds), Polish Institute of World Art Studies & Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Toruń 2018, p. 259-267.
Dr. Anna Głowa, Assistant Professor
Fields of interest: ancient and Late Antique Art; ancient tradition in later periods; collections of antiquities
Current research: 19th century collections of Late Antique textiles from Egypt
International cooperation:
- 2024 - participation in the international workshop entitled "How to study an Egyptian textiles collection? Egyptian textiles from the 1st millennium AD in two Scandinavian national museums: Copenhagen and Oslo", on 19-20 April 2024 the National Museum of Norway in Oslo;
- 2023 - participation in the international conference entitled "Art History, its Methods, Ideas and Institutions in Austria-Hungary, 1873-1918”, 28th-30th September 2023, Cracow; paper: "Late Antique textiles from Egypt in the studies of Austrian art historians of the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century";
- 2022 - participation in the international congress, organised by International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS) "12th International Congress of Coptic Studies" Brussels, 11-16 July 2022; paper: ""Tracing the Provenance of Robert Forrer’s Textiles in Krakow Collections: Documents and Parallels Pointing to Akhmim as a Findspot";
- 2021 - participation in the international conference Collecting Antiquities from the Middle Ages to the End of the Nineteenth Century”, University of Wrocław 25-26.03.2021; paper: The Collection of Late Antique Textiles from Egypt Acquired in 1893 by the Archaeological Cabinet of the Jagiellonian University in the Context of the Early Interest in “Coptic” Fabrics;
- member of the „Akhmim Textiles Study Group”
- member of the „Textiles of the Nile Valley Research Group”
- participation in the international project „RECONTEXT. Reconstructing the history of Egyptian textiles from the 1st Millennium AD at the National Museum of Denmark (kierownik projektu: Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post.doc Research Fellow, University of Copenhagen, Saxo Institute – CTR) – March 2021-March 2022
- International fellowship programme for sabbatical leave and research residencies at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – "Common Threads – Parallel Late Antique Textiles from Egypt Deriving from Robert Forrer's Collection in Poland and Berlin" – 1.01.2021-15.02.2021 (postponed due to the pandemic)
- 2019 - participation in the international conference 11th Textiles form the Nile Valley Conference "Explorers, first collectors and traders of textiles from Egypt of the 1st millennium AD", Katoen Natie HeadquARTers, Antwerp 25-27.10.2019; paper: Textiles from Robert Forrer in Poland, 11th Textiles from the Nile Valley;
- 2017 - participation in the international conference 10th Textiles from the Nile Valley Conference "Egypt as a Textile Hub", Katoen Natie HeadquARTers, Antwerp 27-29.10.2017; paper: Late Antique Textiles from Egypt in Polish Museums;
- 2016 - participation in the International Workshop “From deserts to museums. Tracing the provenance of Late Antique Egyptian textiles”, Univerrsity of Gothenburg 28-29.09.2016; paper: “From deserts to museums. Tracing the provenance of Late Antique Egyptian textiles”, Univerrsity of Gothenburg 28-29.09.2016.
Selected publications in English:
- 'An unknown collector of Late Antique textiles from Egypt: Carl Kallenberg (1825-1900) and his 'Koptische Stoffreste'', Journal of the History of Collections 36, 2024, pp. 229–238, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhc/fhad01
- '‘Wissenschaftlichkeit’ in Alois Riegl’s Study of Late Antique Textiles from Egypt', Folia Historiae Artium 22 (2024), pp. 43-49, WWW: FHA_22_2024.pdf
- 'A Motif of Parrots in Dionysian Contexts on Selected Examples of Hellenistic and Roman Mosaics', Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 27 (2023), pp. 143-158, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0478-7563
- 'The Collection of Late Antique Textiles from Egypt Acquired in 1893 by the Archaeological Cabinet of the Jagiellonian University in the Context of the Early Interest in “Coptic” Weaving', in: A. Kubala (ed.), Collecting Antiquities from the Middle Ages to the End of the Nineteenth Century, Wrocław 2021.
- 'Remarks on the relationship between architectural and metalwork decoration in Late Antiquity', Series Byzantina. Studies on Byzantine and Postbyzantine Art 13 (2015), pp. 17-30;
- “Eingetauscht gegen Dubletten vom Kgl. Kunstgewerbemuseum in Berlin” – textiles from the Carl Schmidt’s collection now in the Jagiellonian University Museum in Krakow, Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 2018/19 (2020), pp. 23-32.
- “French connection”. The contacts of Władysław Czartoryski in Egypt and his acquisition of late antique textiles – the background for the history of the collection, In: A. de Moor, C. Fluck, P. Linschied (eds.), Egypt as a textile hub. Textile interrelationships in the 1st millennium AD, Tielt 2019, pp. 193-201.
- 'Late Antique textiles from Robert Forrer in Polish museums in the context of Forrer’s activities as a textile-dealer (preliminary research)', In: A. de Moor, C. Fluck, P. Linschied (eds.), Explorers, first collectors and traders of textiles from Egypt of the 1st millennium AD [forthcoming]
Dr. Agnieszka Kuczyńska, Research Associate
Dr Małgorzata Żak-Kulesza, Assistant Professor
MA Rafał Lis, Assistant
MA Anna Szlązak-Nowak, Assistant, curator in the Museum of the John Paull II Catholic University of Lublin
Last update: 27.01.2025, hr. 12:32 - Elżbieta Błotnicka-Mazur