


Z przyjemnością informujemy, że KUL otrzymał dofinansowanie w wysokości 236 461 EUR na realizację projektu Mobilność studentów i pracowników uczelni między krajami programu i krajami trzecimi niestowarzyszonymi z Programem (spoza UE) na lata 2024-26. Projekt zakłada realizację mobilności wyjazdowych i przyjazdowych studentów i pracowników.




Uczelnie partnerskie KUL (koordynatora projektu):



University of Elbasan “Aleksander Xhuvani”

0519 Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology

0421 Law
0232 Human Sciences (literature and linguistics – English Studies)
0320 Journalism and information
0413 Management
0311 Economics



Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

0610 Informatics
0519 Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology
0314 Sociology



Yerevan State University

0312 Political sciences and civics
0421 Law/ EU Law/ European Studies
0222 History
0232 Literature and linguistics (English)



International University of Sarajevo

0312 Political sciences and civics/ European Studies
0311 Economics
0313 Psychology
0519 Biological and related sciences/ Biotechnology
0421 Law



The University Adriatic Bar

0421 Law

0413 Management

0311 Economics




Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University

0421 Law
0221 Religion and theology
0311 Economics
0410 Business and administration
0313 Psychology


Georgian American University

061 Information and Communication Technologies

0421 Law



Gordon College of Education

0111 Education Science
0313 Psychology
0221 Religion and theology
0320 Journalism and information
0232 Literature and linguistics (Polish/Hebrew studies, English studies)



Tangaza University College

0221 Religion and theology
0222 History
0413 Management



University of Mitrovica
0421 Law
0311 Economics


The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik

0111 Education science
0223 Philosophy and ethics
0312 Political sciences and civics
0232 Literature and linguistics (English)
0313 Psychology
0421 Law
0519 Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology
0610 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)



Free International University of Moldova

0312 Political sciences and civics/ International Relations/ European Studies



National University of Ostroh Academy

0232 Literature and linguistics (Polish, English, Ukrainian, French, German Studies)
0312 Political sciences and civics, International Relations
0222 History and Archaeology
0223 Philosophy and ethics

0321 Journalism and reporting
0313 Psychology
0610 Informatics
0311 Economics
0421 Law


Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

0232 Literature and linguistics (Polish, English, Ukrainian, French, Studies)
0519Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology
0222 History and Archaeology
0111 Education Science
0313 Psychology
0610 Informatics
0311 Economics


Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

0232 Literature and linguistics (Polish, English, Slavic Studies)
0519 Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology


Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
0232 Literature and linguistics (English, Ukrainian)
0222 History and Archaeology
0313 Psychology
0610 Informatics
0311 Economics
0421 Law


Uzhhorod National University

0421 Law
0312 Political science and International Relations
0610 Informatics
0519 Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology


Lutsk National Technical University

0311 Economics
0413 Management
0232 Literature and linguistics (English, Ukrainian)


  • USA

University of Massachusetts Boston
0313 Psychology
0232 Literature and linguistics (English, Spanish)
0413 Management
0312 Political sciences and civics
0111 Education science

Salem State University
0313 Psychology
0232 Literature and linguistics (English)
0222 History
0321 Journalism and reporting


Delta State University
0313 Psychology
0232 Literature and linguistics (English)
0222 History
0610 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
0519 Biological and related sciences/Biotechnology
0923 Social work and counselling
0314 Sociology
0319 Social Sciences- criminology



Sekcja Mobilności Akademickiej

Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej




Projekty realizowane w poprzednich latach:


Projekt 2022-24


Projekt 2019-22


Projekt 2018-19


Projekt 2017-18


Projekt 2016-17


Projekt 2015-16