Kościół i Prawo 1 (14) 2012: 179-194

Prohibition of entering a marriage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Instruction Dignitas Connubii


Magdalena Kołbuc


doktorantka, Katedra Kościelnego Prawa Procesowego, Instytut Prawa Kanonicznego KUL, Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

e-mail: magda.kolbuc@gmail.com


It is necessary to meet the several prerequisites for legally binding prohibition of entering a marriage. The first prerequisite is prohibition issued by a competent church authority – the tribunal of first instance or the tribunal of appeal, the second one is prohibition addressed to certain person – which causes the nullity of the marriage concerned, or people – if this cause concerned each parties. Reasonable causes for the grounds of imposing a prohibition determine the third significant element. Legislator mentions judgment of nullity by reason of a permanent incapacity and absolutely impotent. In these circumstances a vetitum is obligatory, however there is also vetitum possibility by declaration of nullity by reason of simulation or deception. It is necessary to give rational arguments by a Tribunal while adding a vetitum to the sentence. In the case at issue tribunal should consider all the circumstances significant for the case, so that moralis certitudo was achieved.


Słowa kluczowe: małżeństwo, klauzula, wyrok, zakaz

Key words: marriage, clause, sentence, prohibition

Autor: Magdalena Sawa
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 04.02.2015, godz. 07:58 - Mirosław Sitarz