Dr Katarzyna Miaskowska-Daszkiewicz, LL.M. - Associate Professor
Full-time member of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration in the Department of European Union Law.
2002 - M.A. in Law, graduated on Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration at the Catholic University of Lublin- 2002, Master Thesis "Administrative approval in Polish and German Law").
2000-2002 - Postgraduate European Self-Government Studies
2004 - visiting scholar at the University of Konstanz/Germany (1. III. 2004 - 30 .IX 2004)
2004 - graduated School of German Law at the Maria Skłodowska -Curie University in Lublin in cooperation whit University of Hannover/Germany
2006 - Ph. D. in Law from Catholic University of Lublin, Dissertation entitled "Marketing authorization of pharmaceutical products and the protection of the public health" was written under supervision of Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Łączkowski (Reviewers: Prof. dr hab. Marian Zdyb and Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Stelmasiak)
Activities in the Framework of Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility:
April 2006 - visiting professor Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Peter Pazmany Catholic University in Budapest/Hungary, lectures in German language: "Grundzüge des polnischen Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsrechts"
April 2007 - visiting professor Faculty of Law Comenius University in Bratislava/Slovakia, lectures in German language: "Europäisches Zullasungssystem für Humanarzneimittel"
June 2007 - visiting professor University of Applied Sciences in Berlin/Germany, lectures in German language:„Das Verwaltungsermessen aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht (polnisches und deutsches Verwaltungsrecht)" and "Der Europäische Kodex für gute Verwaltungspraxis und seine Rechtsanbindung in EU-Länder"
February - 2008 visiting professor University of Ljubljana/Faculty of Administration/Slovenia, lectures in German language: "Dezentralisierung und Regionalisierung in Polen"
April 2008 - visiting professor Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Peter Pazmany Catholic University in Budapest/Hungary, lectures in German language: "Europäisches Zullasungssystem für Humanarzneimittel"
June 2008 - visiting professor University of Applied Sciences in Kehl/Germany, lectures in German language: "Das Recht auf eine gute Verwaltung - Der Europäische Kodex für gute Verwaltungspraxis" and "Verwaltungsaufbau und politisches System in Polen"
Public commercial Law
European Institutional Law.
Master seminar in Public Commercial Law