The II Working Group Meeting on Organizational Behavior
Erasmus University, Rotterdam 23-25 November 2016
Aim of the meeting: to advance knowledge on organizational behavior: leadership, innovativeness, job-related affect, personal resources.
Participants: Marjan Gorgievski, Mariola Laguna, Karolina Wałachowska, Wiktor Razmus
November, 2016
We have presented our research at the 13th PSPS Conference held 16-18 September 2016 in Wrocław. We have also organized the syposium: Zagadnienia psychologii pracy i organizacji ujmowane z perspektywy psychologii społecznej, convenor: Mariola Laguna
- Anna Oleszkiewicz, Kinga Lachowicz-Tabaczek - Forma czy treść przekazu? Przesłanki wnioskowania o sprawczości i wspólnotowości a zaufanie w organizacji
- Wiktor Razmus, Mariola Łaguna, Jakub Malec, Paulina Kostrzewa, Aneta Banaś, Agata Drozdowska, Justyna Kociuba - Ludzka twarz sukcesu, czyli jak partnerzy biznesowi spostrzegają sukces przedsiębiorczy
- Ewelina Smoktunowicz, Roman Cieślak - Przeniesienie konfliktu praca–dom/dom–praca oraz przekonań o własnej skuteczności w kontekście wymagań oraz stresu związanych z pracą i domem
- Ewelina Purc, Mariola Łaguna - Wartości cenione przez przedsiębiorców a zachowania innowacyjne ich podwładnych
September, 2016
We have presented our research at the 2nd PSPO Congress held 19-20 May 2016, Sopot.
May, 2016
We have presented our research at the 4th Cross-cultural section of PSPS Congress held 21-22 April 2016 in Lublin.
April, 2016
The I Working Group Meeting on Organizational Behavior
Social Personality Psychology Lab, Lublin 26-28th of April 2016
Aim of the meeting: to advance knowledge on organizational behavior: leadership, innovativeness, job-related affect, personal resources and employees’ values.
Working Group Meeting was accompanied by open invited lecture by Marjan Gorgievski (Erasmus University Rotterdam), 28th of April 2016, 12.30, room CTW-304.
Participants: Marjan Gorgievski, Mariola Laguna, Emilia Mielniczuk, Ewelina Purc, Wiktor Razmus
April, 2016
We have presented our research at the 12th PSPS Conference held 3-6 September 2015 in Łódź.
September, 2015
We have presented our research at 14th European Congress of Psychology held 7-10 July 2015 in Milan, Italy
We have also organized the syposium: Entrepreneurship: Psychological perspective and new findings, convenor: Mariola Laguna, Poland
- The social perception of the entrepreneur and its effects on entrepreneurial attitudes, intention and support - Garazi Azanza, Leire Gartzia, Deusto Business School, Bilbao (Bizkaia), Spain
- Entrepreneurs are not risk prone, they are brave - Artur Domurat, University of Warsaw, Poland
- The entrepreneurial potential at the team level: A proxy for a longitudinal approach - António Caetano, Susana Correia Santos, Sílvia Fernandes Costa, ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
- Self-efficacy, positive affect, and entrepreneurial success: Longitudinal relations - Adam Żaliński, Wiktor Razmus, Mariola Laguna, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
- Discussant: Lorraine Uhlaner, EDHEC Business School, Roubaix, France
July, 2015
We have presented our research at International Conference What’s Next For Democratic Capitalism? Social and Systemic Problems of Central European Democracies held 7-8 November 2014 in Warsaw, Poland.
November, 2014
We have presented our research at 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology held 8-13 July 2014 in Paris, France.
July 2014