
Open lecture "Secularisation and Christianity. A challenge for our time"

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin invites you to attend a lecture by Rev. Prelate Mariano Fazio - "Secularisation and Christianity: A Challenge for Our Time."

Rev. Prelate Mariano Fazio Fernandez has been the Auxiliary Vicar of Opus Dei since 2019. He studied History at the University of Buenos Aires and received a doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. From 2002 to 2008, he served as the rector of the same university and was elected president of the Conference of Rectors of the Pontifical Universities of Rome. For more information, see his biography on the website: Opus Dei - Mariano Fazio.


In his lecture, Rev. Fazio will explore the profound impact of secularisation on contemporary society and its challenges to Christianity. He will discuss how the decline of a transcendent vision of life and the rise of ideologies such as relativism, gender theory, and cancel culture, are reshaping our understanding of eternal values.

Contemporary culture is strongly influenced by the process of secularisation. The transcendent vision of life is disappearing in many dimensions of society. It seems that ideologies closed to faith - relativism, gender theory, and cancel culture - are imposing their restrictive visions of eternal values. Is there a proposal that can provide an answer, bringing truth, goodness, and beauty to our society, which is weary of so many hopeless proposals?


The lecture will take place on June 6, 2024, at 9:45 AM in Centrum Transferu Wiedzy KUL (CTW-113). Translation into Polish will be provided. Admission is free and open to all interested. You are all welcome!


The lecture can also be viewed online.