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Prestigious award for KUL

To educate students well, to provide them with didactics at the highest level, it is necessary to take care of a team of scientists - didacticians. - At KUL, we strive to systematically raise both the standards of work and opportunities for scientific development. At the same time, we are extremely transparent as an employer. All that remains is to invite scientists and didacticians who so far have not had the pleasure of knowing the standards of work at the Catholic University of Lublin to feed into our team - says Rev. Prof. Miroslaw Kalinowski.

The European Commission has adopted the “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers ”, which aims to create an attractive and open labor market for EU researchers. Detailed recommendations for member states in this regard are contained in documents - the “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.” They deal with ethical aspects of scientific work, recruitment and selection, working conditions and social security, as well as training and development. Institutions that guarantee scientists the opportunity for career development, substantive and financial support in acquiring and implementing research projects, as well as employment stability and a transparent recruitment process, can apply for the “HR Excellence in Research” award. The Catholic University of Lublin has just received such a distinction.

The fulfillment of the requirements of the European Commission by the KUL has been confirmed by independent experts. However, this does not mean that the KUL can rest on its laurels. The “HR Excellence in Research” distinction is not awarded permanently . In order to use it, the university must continuously improve standards related to human capital management, which will be verified after two years by foreign experts appointed by the European Commission.

The “HR Excellence in Research” mark is associated not only with prestige, but also means specific benefits, such as bonus in European Commission grant competitions. It also raises the level of attractiveness of employment. As noted by Vice-Rector for Students and Internationalization Dr. Beata Piskorska, Prof. of the Catholic University of Lublin, this is an opportunity for the university to increase the number of researchers from abroad. - I am convinced that, thanks to the award, they will take up work at our university more often - the pro-rector emphasized.