prof. dr hab. Joanna Misztal-Konecka
Chair, Department of Civil Procedure
legal studies at the KUL’s Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, honours (1995–2000); historical studies at the KUL’s Faculty of Humanities, honours (1998–2001); doktor nauk prawnych [doctor of legal sciences] (2005); asystent [assistant professor] (2005–2007), KUL’s Off-Campus Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences; adiunkt [adjoint professor] (KUL OCFoLaES; KUL Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration); President, Programme Council of the Institute of Law, KUL OCFoLaES (2009–2010), Member, KUL’s Senate Disciplinary Committee for KUL Employees (2011–2016); doktor habilitowany nauk prawnych [habilitated doctor of legal sciences] (2012); Chair, KUL Department of Civil Law (since 2012); Professor of the KUL (since 2013); Deputy Director, KUL Institute of Law (2014–2016); Director, KUL Institute of Law (2016–2019), member of the Faculty Committee for the Allocation of Funds for Research (2016–2019); member of the Faculty Committee for the Quality of Education (since 2016); member of the Faculty Committee for Monographs in English (since 2016); chairperson of the Curriculum Committee of the Institute of Law of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) (2016–2019); member of the Board of the Rector’s Awards (2019), member of the Committee for the Allocation of Funds under the Active Payroll Policy (2019–2020); member of the University Science Commission (since 2019); Director of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the KUL (since 2019); chairperson of the Institute Committee for the Allocation of Funds for Research (since 2019); member of the University Publishing Committee (since 2020), member of the (Faculty) Doctoral Students’ Scholarship Award Committee (since 2020) professor of social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences (since 28 September 2020), member of the Chapter for Honorary Titles, Medals and Decorations KUL (since 2022).
intramural judicial traineeship (2000–2003); judge examination (2003); asesor sądowy [junior judge] (2003–2007); Judge of the District Court in Lublin (2007–2010); Judge of the District Court Lublin-Wschód in Lublin situated in Świdnik — Presiding Judge of the 1st Civil Division (2011–2016); Judge of the Regional Court in Lublin, adjudicating in the 2nd Civil-Appellate Division (2016–2018) and also under a secondment to the 1st Civil Division of the Court of Appeals in Lublin (2017–2018); justice of the Supreme Court (since 2018), including President of the Supreme Court in charge of the Civil Chamber (since 30 September 2021).
civil substantive and procedural law; Roman law; European legal tradition
Kwerenda [query], Jagiellonian Library in Cracow (2013); kwerenda, University Library in Parma, Italy (2017); academic internship (study visit) at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Tbilisi, Georgia (2017); academic internship, Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland (2017–2018); academic internship, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana, Spain (2018); academic internship, Universita degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (2018); study visit, European Union bodies, EJTN (2018); Erasmus Plus stay at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (2019); study visit in Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (2021), Erasmus Plus stay at the Universiteti Aleksander Xhuvani (2022), Erasmus Plus Training (STT) stay at Universidad de Cádiz (2024).
Member, Competition Board for the Competition for the General Traineeship at the (Polish) National School of the Judiciary and Public Prosecution (2014, 2015, 2016); Expert, Active Charter Training Through Interaction of National Experiences (ACTIONES — JUST/2014/JTRA/AG/EJTR/6871) (2016–2017); member of the advocate traineeship examination board at the Ministry of Justice, headquartered in Lublin (2021).
Member, Polish Association of Scholars of Civil Procedure (since 2013); Member, Polish Group, International Law Association (since 2017); Member, Scientific Council, Journal of Modern Science (since 2017); Member of the Commission for Legal Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences Branch in Lublin (since 2019); Editor-in-Chief, Studia Prawnicze KUL [KUL Law Review] (since 2019).
Republic of Poland Presidential Bronze Medal for Long Service (2012), KUL Rector Award for Distinguished Dissertation Thesis (2014), 1st Degree Team Prize for the preparation of a self-review report for legal sciences for the State Accreditation Committee for 2018/2019; KUL Rector’s 1st Degree Personal Award, Honorable Mention for the Best Science Populariser of the 18th Lublin Science Festival (2022), 2nd Degree Team Prize for outstanding organisational and social Activity and popularisation of science (2023), Medal of the National Education Commission (2023), KUL Rector Award for involvement in the process of evaluation of the quality of scientific activities (2023).
TEACHING IN 2024/2025
- Civil procedure (lecture)
- Civil procedure (magister [master’s] seminar)
- Interim proceedings and enforcement (lecture)
List of doktor and magister theses tutored
List of procedures for the conferral of academic degrees and titles
List of conference presentations
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 02.11.2024, godz. 17:58 - Joanna Misztal-Konecka