Vincent Ostrom, Religion and the Constitution of the American Political System
Antoni Z. Kamiński, Corruption and the Constitutional Principle of the Soviet-type Regimes
Denis Szabo, The Political Criminal: A Special Case
Robert J. Mutchmick, A Retrospective: The Contributions of Cesare Lombroso
Richard Quinney, The Theory and Practice of Peacemaking in the Development of Radical Criminology
Kevin Anderson, Radical Criminology and the Overcoming of Alienation: Perspectives From Marxian and Gandhian Humanism
Harold E. Pepinsky, A sociology of Justice
Jan Widacki, Janina Błachut, Criminality in Poland in the Years 1978 - 1989
Kanehiro Hoshino, Organized Crime and Its Origins in Japan
Samuel B. Ayo, Local Government and the Organization of Local Public Economies in the United States of America
Book Reviews
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 05.01.2012, godz. 14:07 - Kinga Stasiak