The Chair of Educational and Family Psychology is one of the oldest psychological chairs at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It was managed in turn by Prof. Natalia Reutt, Prof. Natalia Han-Ilgiewicz, Prof. Stefan Kunowski, Prof. Teresa Kukołowicz and Prof. Maria Braun-Gałkowska. The current Head of the Chair is Assistant Professor Bogusława Lachowska.
The Chair of Educational and Family Psychology deals currently with four fields of interest:
- Aiding Development, Educational Psychology and Psychology of Educational Dysfunctions.
- Family Psychology, Psychology of Family Dysfunctions, Family Psychotherapy and Psychological Support of the Family.
- Media Psychology with focus on the influence the media have and educational problems they create.
- Projective methods of investigating interpersonal relationships as an especially important means of investigating children emotionality.
The Chair provides courses and conducts research in all the fields mentioned. Recently, our employees have published a number of books both individually and jointly. A few examples are:
Lachowska, M. Łaguna, 2002, Draw a Family Test in Psychological Research, TN KUL, Lublin.
Łaguna M. i Lachowska B.(red.) (2003). Rysunek projekcyjny jako metoda badań psychologicznych. Lublin: TNKUL.
Braun-Gałkowska, M. Poznawanie systemu rodzinnego [Getting to know the family system].Wydawnictwo KUL:2007.
Lachowska, B. Praca i rodzina: konflikt czy synergia [Work and family: conflict or synergia?]. Lublin: 2012
Kostrubiec, B., Miruckia B. (editors) Rysunek projekcyjny w badaniach relacji społecznych [Projective drawing in investigating social relations]. TN KUL: 2007.
Litwińska, K. Reklamy telewizyjne i ich oddziaływanie na emocje dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym [TV commercials and their influence on the emotions of nursery school children]. Wydawnictwo KUL: 2008.
Gutowska, A. Rodzicielstwo adopcyjne. Wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania rodzin adopcyjnych [Adoptive parenthood. Selected aspects of the functioning of foster families]. Wydawnictwo KUL: 2008.
Braun-Gałkowska, M. Psychologia domowa [Home psychology]. Wydawnictwo KUL: 2008.
Braun-Gałkowska, M. W tę samą stronę. Książka dla nauczycieli o wychowaniu i lekcjach wychowawczych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krupski i S-Ka, 1994
Apart from didactic activity and research, the Chair also becomes involved in pro-social activity:
- Postgraduate training for teachers.
- Organising pre-marital instruction courses for the Academic Priesthood and training course instructors to conduct them.
- Postgraduate course concerning the use of the Rorschach inkblot test.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 03.02.2017, godz. 02:44 - Iwona Ulfik-Jaworska