
Webinar "Erasmus+ in Spain through the eyes of..."

erasmus_w_ciudad_real On Thursday 31 March, the fourth in a series of webinars entitled "Erasmus+ in Spain through the eyes of..." will be held. This time, Ms Aleksandra Mejzner - a graduate of the Faculty of Hispanic Studies at the Catholic University of Lublin - will talk about her experiences connected with the Erasmus+ student scholarship at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Ciudad Real. As always, the talk will include many practical information.


The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 31 @ 20.00.


We would like to invite students of all fields of study at our University, who are interested in going abroad on a scholarship within the Erasmus+ programme, as well as secondary school students, especially those with high school diplomas, who are interested in studying Hispanics at KUL.