Wiktor Razmus, Ph.D. e-mail: wrazmus@kul.pl 


Research interests

Marketing and economic psychology, impact of brand on consumer behaviour, brand image assessment, consumer-brand relationships, conspicuous consumption, social perception, work and organizational psychology.


Accademic career

2013 Ph.D. in psychology

2009 master's degree in psychology



  • Razmus, W. (2020). Psychology of consumer behavior. In: B. Rożnowski P. Fortuna (red.), Business Psychology (in press). Warszawa: PWN. (in Polish).
  • Razmus, M., Razmus, W., Castonguay, A., Sabiston, C. (2019). Body and appearance self-conscious emotions in Canada and Poland. Journal of Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1177/1359105319882740
  • Razmus, W., Łaguna, M. (2019). Brand Engagement in Self-Concept: Scale properties and the global nature of the construct. Current Psychology, 38, 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-017-9584-x
  • Laguna, M., Mielniczuk, E., Razmus, W. (2019). Test of the bifactor model of job-related affective well-being. Europs’ Journal of Psychology, 15(2), 342-357. doi: 10.5964/ejop.v14i4.1632
  • Łaguna, M., Razmus, W. (2018). When I feel my business succeeds, I flourish: Reciprocal relationships between positive orientation, work engagement, and entrepreneurial success. Journal of Happiness Studies, DOI: 10.1007/s10902-018-0065-1
  • Razmus, M., Razmus, W., Stachyra, A., Castonguay, A., Sabiston, C. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale (BASES). Annals of Psychology, 3, 231-253.
  • Łaguna, M., Razmus, W. (2018). Data analysis: New challenges. Polish Psychological Forum, 23 (2), 227-234, DOI: 10.14656/PFP20180201 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W., Mielniczuk, E. (2018). Common method bias in questionnaire-based research. Polish Psychological Forum, 23 (2), 277-290, DOI: 10.14656/PFP20180204 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W., Laguna, M. (2018). Dimensions of entrepreneurial success: A multilevel study on stakeholders of micro-enterprises. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:791.DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00791
  • Razmus, M., Razmus, W. (2017). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2. Body Image, 23, 45-49. DOI:10.1016/j.bodyim.2017.07.004
  • Gorbaniuk. O., Razmus, W., Slobodianyk, A., Mykhailych, O., Troyanowskyj, O., Kashchuk, M., Drako, M., Dioba, A., Кolisnyk, L. (2017). Searching for a common methodological ground for the study of politicians' perceived personality traits: A multilevel psycholexical approach. Journal of Research in Personality, 70, 27-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2017.05.004
  • Gorbaniuk, O., Razmus, W., Firlej, K., Lebiedowicz, A., Leszczyński., M. (2017). Measuring corporate personality: A critical review and new insights. Journal of Brand Management, in press. DOI: 10.1057/s41262-017-0042-8

  • Laguna, M., Razmus, W., Żaliński, A. (2017). Dynamic relationships between personal resources and work engagement in entrepreneurs. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(2), 248-269. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12170
  • Laguna, M., Mielniczuk, E., Razmus, W., Moriano, J.A., Gorgievski, M.J. (2017). Cross-cultural and gender invariance of the Warr (1990) job-related well-being measure. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(1), 117-125. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12166
  • Razmus, W., Jaroszyńska, M., & Palęga, M. (2017). Personal aspirations and brand engagement in self-concept. Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 294–299.

  • Gorbaniuk, O., Razmus, W., Kawa, K., Mykhailych, O. (2015). Методичне забезпечення оцінки іміджу особистості політиків. Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 2, 36-47 (in Ukrainian).
  • Łaguna, M., Purc, E., Razmus, W., Błaszczyk, M., Gawrońska, K. (2015). Training undertaking and organizational culture and climate. Organization and Management, 2 (167), 141-154 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W., Łaguna, M. (2014). Heineken or Żubr? The role of beyond product characteristics in food products. Scientific Journals European Policies, Finance and Marketing, 11(60), 195-203 (in Polish). 
  • Razmus, W. (2012). Brand Self-Construal Scale (KSM): Polish adaptation of Brand Engagement in Self-Concept Scale (BESC). Marketing and Market, 8, 15-19 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W. (2011). Brand image on the low-effort data processing path. Marketing and Market, 8, 16-20 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W., Gorbaniuk, O. (2011). Product category associations as the basis of brand personification. Marketing and Market, 7, 23-33 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W. (2010). Methods of measurement of brand’s image. Marketing and Market, 10-15 (in Polish).
  • Razmus, W. (2010). Brand knowledge structure. Marketing and Market, 5, 9-14 (in Polish).