
Grzegorz Dymek, PhD, Higher Lecturer

Current research: Limit theorems with random indices.

Patrycja Jędrzejewska, MA, Assistant

Fields of interest: probability theory, martingales in Banach spaces

Current research:

1. Operator martingales.

2. Limiting properties of the Banach random walk.

International cooperation: -

Contact: patrycjaj [at] kul.pl

Kamil Powroźnik, PhD, Assistant

Fields of interest: probability theory, statistics, graph theory

Current research:

1. The density Turán problem for some graphs and hypergraphs.

2. Some distance properties of outerplanar graphs.

International cooperation: -

Contact: kamil.powroznik [at] kul.pl

Bruno Sadok, PhD, Higher Lecturer

Fields of interest: sequence spaces, Hausdorff dimension

Current research:

1. Research concerning Hausdorff dimensions of basins for probability measures in sequence spaces.

2. Examination of narrow basins consisting signals of identical limit sets of empirical measures.

International cooperation: Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Belarusian State University

Contact: bruno.sadok [at] kul.pl