We are pleased to inform you that the International Bioanalytic Technology MSc programme has been approved by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The curriculum was established within the KATAMARAN project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The programme will be conducted in English together with the International University of Sarajevo https://www.facebook.com/IUSEnglish/, as a joint programme (with a minimum of one semester at the foreign university). The programme combines the strengths of both universities, modern laboratories and practice at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and modern IT issues, machine learning and design thinking at IUS plus a lot of classes with professionals (with at least five years of experience in industry or another industrial institution such as pharmaceutical or biomedical companies, environmental monitoring, plant breeding, diagnostic laboratories) and 360 hours of internship. The first recruitment is planned from March 2021. More information will be available soon at https://www.kul.pl/international-studies,19862.html .
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 29.11.2022, godz. 13:08 - Michał Bednarczyk