The International Theological Congress

The International Theological Congress due to take place from 23-27 October at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin is an academic initiative whose main aim is to strengthen ties between ecclesiastical and academic centres in neighbouring regions of Europe in the field of theology. The academic integration of countries participating in the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), which constitutes a platform for co-operation among 12 countries of the European Union lying between the Baltic, the Adriatic and the Black Sea, has found a reflection in the recently formed Three Seas University Network (3SUN) in Lublin. The aim of this network is to support the integration of academic centres in the countries mentioned, through co-operation in the fields of commercialization of learning and exchange of teaching and research experience. In this context there is also a need for co-operation in the area of theological studies.
The title of the Congress, “Bringing Faith and Theology Closer”, points to its aims: integration of scholarly reflection with popular theology, pastoral and cultural aspects, and facilitation of encounters among theologians from countries which have a similar history, culture and spiritual heritage, so that they can ponder the issues that pose a particular challenge to contemporary theological reflection in this part of Europe. It is intended that the Congress will emphasise the theologian’s mission as one not limited to scholarly activity within universities, but also embracing service of the Church, of society and of individuals in the daily living out of faith.
The International Theological Congress will have two main strands. The first (morning sessions) will be the Congress of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries, entitled “Theology in Dialogue with the Contemporary”. The contemporary world brings with it new questions and problems, all demanding to be understood and answered from the standpoint of theology, which does not remain indifferent to current burning issues, for instance the attitude of the Church and theology to totalitarianisms and war, to politics, and to new anthropological challenges, such as attempts to redefine the traditional concept of the family. In addition, the congress will focus on the experience of faith in God in the contemporary world, the self-awareness of church communities and their role in a pluralist society. During the Forum of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries, which will take place at the closing of the Congress, special emphasis will be placed on analysis of the priorities connected with the development of theological studies in the context of the 3SUN initiative. Representatives of theological faculties and research units from particular countries will underline the importance of theological studies in the specific context of each country participating in the Three Seas Initiative. The culminating moment of the encounter will be an official formalization of mutual co-operation among theology faculties by the signing of a common declaration.
The second strand of the International Theological Congress will be the Forum of the Young. Its character is well expressed by the titles of individual events: “Come and see for yourself”, “God close at hand”, “Faith and courage”, “Strongmen from the community”, “It’s a challenge to bring someone up”, “I have faith and I won’t hesitate to use it”.
The Forum of the Young will have two aspects. One, popular theology, entitled “Faith for me and for you”, will consist of afternoon panel discussions with a musical frame. Its themes will include: “Who needs the Bible and what for?”, “Difficult questions of the Church”, “Religious freedom in the world”, “Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki and his vision of human liberation”, “Hearing in time – on the problems of suicidal youth”, “Addictions and fear of rejection”, and “From theologian to influencer, or how to evangelize on the Internet”.
The other aspect of the Forum of the Young, pastoral and cultural, entitled “Faith: it matters!”, will consist of a series of evening meetings with representatives of groups of an evangelizing and formational character, including listening to their testimonies and praying together. Also planned are a discussion club on “The Gospel in Popular Film Culture” and a performance by the ITP KUL theatre.
It is our hope and expectation that the Congress will provide an outstanding opportunity for exchange of experiences, leading to the emergence of new academic, cultural and religious initiatives among the Three Seas Countries.
Project co-funded by the state budget, granted by the Polish Minister of Education and Science under the program "Excellent Science II - Support for scientific conferences"