Announcement No 1
Institute of Pedagogy of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
is honoured to invite you to
International Congress
Family asks and answers
Time and location
The Congress will take place on 23 and 24 September 2015 r. in Lublin, Institute of Pedagogy of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Droga Męczenników Majdanka 70, M III.
Congress objectives
The congress aims at presenting potential of contemporary family from different scientific disciplines perspectives, above all from pedagogical and Polish social policy point of view. At times of social, consciousness and cultural changes the question of family potential is crucial. Contemporary family does not lose in significance in enrichment of the social competences of its members, fits them with resources and skills how to use them, teaches how to cope with issues in the contemporary world. Family potential is reflected in mutual support, common use of the possessed resources, creating network of support and care, transmitting values and cultural continuity.
We hope to reflect together on potential of a contemporary family as well as on the problems it has to face, including emigration, social marginalization and models of marital and family life. Family mobility, life quality, activity, professional life and its developmental, educational and protective potential will be discussed. The subject of contemporary challenges which family social policy has to face will also be raised. We will try to show how absolute the value of family’s responsibility is, indifferent from its structure, type and situation (e.g. multigenerational or larger families, families taking care of an ill or disabled relative, families of different levels of religious engagement etc.). We will also reflect on possibilities of freeing family potential in good and poor health, life crisis, possibilities of realization through becoming a foster family or seeking support at different institutions offering help to families. We could also discuss the program of family support, professional help for parents and families and pro-family policy.
Theme fields
- Biomedical field (g.: sexuality, fertility, infertility, birth control etc.)
- Psychological field (marriage and family bonds, communication, personal maturity, love in family…)
- Social field (e.g. social roles, family structures and types, social policy, family vs. other entities, social media, marginalization and social exclusion)
- Cultural field (e.g. morality and family customs, family patterns, relations: family vs. culture, phylosophical and ideological contexts)
- Religious and spiritual field (e.g. marriage and familiy dignity, sacramental and religious life, pastoral family counselling)
Guidelines for the authors
Full version of the article should be submitted by 1st June 2015.
After being positively reviewed the articles will be published in a form of e-book. The articles presented during the congress will be also published in form of a book.
It is obligatory to include bottom bibliographical footnotes as well as a full bibliography at the end.
Electronic version of the article should be prepared using the Microsoft Word editor.
The article length should not exceed 15 pages, including the keywords, abstract, English translation of the title, bibliography and a short on the author. They should be sent via e-mail to the following address:
Announcements and important dates
The payment for participation in the Congress is PLN 500 and should be submitted by 27th May 2015.
The bank name is BOŚ SA O/LUBLIN, the account numer 86154011442001640270070002, the bank transfer should include a note ”Kongres Rodziny”.
Department of Christian Pedagogy Institute of Pedagogy KUL
Department of Pedagogy of Family Institute of Pedagogy KUL
The Christian Pedagogy Committee at Polish Academy of Science
Foundation for Catholic University of Lublin
Honour patronage
JE ks. abp Celestino Migliore, Nuncjusz Apostolski w Polsce
JE ks. abp Stanisław Budzik, Wielki Kanclerz KUL
JE ks. bp Jan Wątroba, Przewodniczący Rady ds. Rodziny
prof. dr hab. Antoni Dębiński, Rektor KUL
dr hab. Stanisław Fel, prof. KUL, Dziekan WNS KUL
Pan Sławomir Sosnowski, Marszałek Województwa Lubelskiego
Dr hab. Alina Rynio, prof. KUL; Dr hab. Danuta Opozda
Organizational committee
Dr Dorota Bis, Dr hab. Ewa Domagała –Zyśk, Dr Beata Jakimiuk, Dr hab. Barbara Kiereś, Dr Małgorzata Łobacz, Ks. dr hab. Andrzej Łuczyński, Dr Piotr Magier, Dr hab. Maria Loyola Opiela, Ks. dr Wojciech Pęcherzewski, Dr Lidia Pietruszka, Mgr Iwona Szewczak, Ks. dr Mariusz Sztaba
Dr Katarzyna Braun, Ks. dr Marek Jeziorański, Dr Ewelina Świdrak, Dr Magdalena Parzyszek
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 23.12.2014, godz. 20:54 - Marek Jeziorański