University / Governance / Vice-rector / Dr. habil. Beata Piskorska, prof. KUL
Vice-rector for students and internationalisation
Dr. habil. Beata Piskorska, prof. KUL

Born, May 24, 1978, in Lublin
1993-1997, Secondary School
1997-2002, master's studies in political science at the Faculty of Political Science of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (UMCS), specialising in international relations
2003, postgraduate studies in European Project Management and European Union Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of UMCS
2007, doctoral degree in political science at the Faculty of Political Science of UMCS (a thesis, entitled: The Eastern Dimension of European Union Policy)
2018, post-doctoral degree of Political Science on the basis of her thesis UMCS (Soft power in the policy of the European Union towards the Eastern Partnership countries)
2020, associate professor at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)
From October 1, 2008, to September 1, 2009, the Faculty of Social Sciences of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin at the Institute of Sociological Sciences, the Department of Political Science.
From September 1, 2009 assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, the Department of International Relations KUL.
Currently a university professor at the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration, the Department of International Relations and Security KUL.
September 2021, appointed as an expert of the Section for Social Sciences of the Polish Accreditation Committee in the discipline of political science and administration KUL.
November 2021, Vice-Rector KUL for Students, Doctoral Students and Development
Academic interests
International relations and European integration, mainly foreign and security policy of the European Union, the Eastern dimension of the European Union (European Neighbourhood Policy, Eastern Partnership), the role and position of the EU on the international arena, particularly in terms of soft and normative power, the EU in the face of global challenges and soft power in international relations, diplomacy.
Study visits, internships abroad and research mobility
2007, the European University Institute in Florence
2009, the European Commission
2005, 2006, 2009, the European Parliament
2012, London School of Economics and Political Science
2016, Central European University in Budapest
2013, Internship at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine
2013, Summer Research Fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence
2014, study visits on behalf of the European Commission Representation in Poland to: the European Commission, the European External Action Service, the European Parliament and the U.S. Embassy in Brussels as part of public consultations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
2016, a research visit to the European External Action Service and the European Commission in Brussels
Staff mobility within the Erasmus+ programme and guest lectures at Polish and foreign universities and research institutes
2013, European University Cyprus in Nicosia
2016, Budapest Pázmány Péter Catholic University
2019, Istanbul Gedik University
2022 – Mykola Romeris Univeristy in Vilnus
2022 - Istanbul Kent University
2022 - the Gordon Academic College of Education, Hajfa, Izrael, staż szkoleniowy Erasmus Plus
2023 - Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari,
Guest lectures
2014, a lecture for Ukrainian and Belarusian journalists at the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation
2019, a lecture for secondary school students organised by the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation in Lublin and Euro-Direct Lublin
2019, lectures at Istanbul Gedik University in Turkey
2019, Beykent University in Istanbul, Turkey
2020, the Regional Centre for International Debate in Rzeszow
2020, European Academy for Young Village Leaders in Biłgoraj
2020, Istanbul Kent University
2021, College of Europe in Natolin
73 scientific publications including 13 monographs and edited publications, 13 articles in Polish and foreign highly-ranked scientific journals as well as 47 chapters in Polish and foreign books.
Editor or co-editor of special thematic issues of scientific journals, including Annals of Social Sciences and Studies and Analyses of Political Science.
Author of many journalistic commentaries, book reviews and interviews for the news agencies in Poland and abroad (including TASS).
The list of major publications in the field of foreign policy of the European Union, especially its eastern dimension
Monographs including Institutionalisation of the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, Published at Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2002, pp. 161; The Eastern Dimension of European Union Policy, Published at Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2008, pp. 515; Impact of Anty-democratic Processes in Eastern Partnership Countries on the European Neighbourhood Policy, Zeszyty Natolińskie no 59/2014, pp. 153; Soft Power in the Policy of the European Union towards the Eastern Partnership Countries, Publisher KUL, Lublin 2017, pp. 597. Editing of the publications: The European Union and Russia. Towards a “New Opening”, ed. B. Piskorska, Lublin 2012, pp. 293; Ukraine after the 2012 parliamentary elections: a pro-European perspective?, ed. B. Piskorska, Lublin 2013, p. 189; wybrane artykuły naukowe: Strategic projects to revitalise the European Union’s power in global affairs in the 21st century, “On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe”, Issue No. 39, September 2022, s. 150-173. The Eastern Partnership during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Perspective of the EU and the Partner Countries/Partnerstwo Wschodnie w dobie pandemii COVID-19: perspektywa UE i państw partnerskich, “Policy Papers IES”, red. B. Piskorska, J. Olchowski, 1/2021, s. 41-50.
Full list of publications
Activity in scientific associations, editorial boards and committees
Member of the European International Studies Association, Polish Association for International Relations and Polish Association of European Studies (Vice-Chair of the audit board since 2019 and President of the Lublin branch since 2023).
Academic, social and expert activity
Recommendation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Strengthening the Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy - a strategic challenge for the Polish Presidency of the European Union in 2011 (2007).
2006-2007, a Member of the Team for Monitoring the Eastern Policy of the European Union at the Natolin European Centre.
Since 2017 a member of the Team Europe expert at the European Commission Representation in Poland.
2006-2007, a Member of the Team for Monitoring the Eastern Policy of the European Union at the Natolin European Centre.
Since 2017 a member of the Team Europe expert at the European Commission Representation in Poland.
12 June 2018, expert and speaker at the European Congress of Youth Councils at the Pomeranian University in Slupsk, organized by the Delegation of the European Commission in Poland, in cooperation with the Office of the European Parliament in Poland, Slupsk Institute for Youth Affairs.
May 2019, participated in the campaign to support pro-frequency activities European Parliament elections and promoted the "This Time I Vote" and #EUandME campaigns among young people, students, civil society in Poland.
2019, a jury member and reviewer of entries in Star Circle, the National European Union Knowledge Olympiad organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland.
Since 2018 the co-founder and the president of the ERIA Association for International Education and Research.
2018 – 2020, the substantive leader of Lublin Coalition for Integration, the project implemented at KUL.
Since 2018 a member of the Team of Experts of KUL.
Since 2019 the chairperson of the Institute of Central Europe Board.
Since 2020 the chairperson of the Good Samaritan Foundation Board, a member of the Scientific Board of Research Network on European Identity.
Since 2021 a member of the Jury of the Countess Aniela Potulicka Award at KUL and an expert of the Polish Accreditation Committee.
2023 - Member of Program Council of the 3Seas Local Government Congress
2023 - Member of the Programme Council of the 18th edition of the All-Polish "Gwiezdny krąg" (Star Circle) EU Knowledge Olympiad
2023 - founder of the KUL Centre for Diplomacy Studies
2023 - initiator of the Three Seas Universities Network
Scientific conferences, workshops, exibitions
Organisation of over 33 national and international scientific conferences on European integration and international relations, cyclical "KUL European Debates", "Adenauer Seminars" in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland, including during the annual Congress of Eastern European Initiatives in Lublin, cyclical scientific seminars on European issues and "Jean Monnet Seminars" in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Poland and PTSE.
2019, organization of Summer School on "The migration process in contemporary international relations and the protection of migrants' rights" in the framework of the international project Lublin Coalition for Integration co-financed from the funds of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the state budget directed to foreigners.
2020, organization of the workshop How to operate effectively online? for students, academic and administrative staff of KUL in cooperation with the European Parliament Office in Poland and the Słupsk Youth Institute.
She co-organized two exhibitions at KUL:
2019, Give real life a like (result of cooperation developed during international exchanges, by young people from Croatia, Georgia, Slovakia and Poland, and a university-wide exhibition at KUL).
2020, Let's Picture our history – aimed at promoting the role of St. John Paul II in regaining independence by Poland and Lithuania with the participation of young people from both countries, (In cooperation with the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation in Lublin, Euro-Direct Lublin).
2020, led a workshop entitled "EU Foreign Policy", European Diplomacy Workshop at the European Academy of Diplomacy for foreign students.
2021, co-organized a workshop for students at KUL - National Civic Hackathon in Central and Eastern Europe (part of the international project EuroChangeMakers, with the European Meeting Centre and EUROPE DIRECT Lublin).
She has presented over 150 papers at national and international scientific conferences.
Teaching activity and student supervision
At KUL she has held the following classes: European Integration, International Security Institutions, Polish foreign policy, European Union Security Policy, International Political Relations, Integration Processes in Europe, EU Relations with Third Countries, Poland's Security Policy, Security Theories and Models, Security Policy of Selected World Nations. Classes and lectures in English at the Faculty of European Studies: Eastern Policy of the European Union, Foreign Policy of the European Union, Defence Policy of the European Union, an open lecture at KUL entitled European Union as a Community of Values.
She has been a supervisor of master's (6) and bachelor's (66) theses as well as a reviewer of 102 bachelor's and master's theses.
She has been a scientific supervisor of a doctoral student from the Department of International Relations of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University in Luck, who was a scholarship holder of the Visegrad Grant at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of KUL.
2002, the first prize for the best master's thesis in international relations in the competition at the Faculty of Political Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin
2018 Rector's awards: individual 2nd level award for unique and creative scientific achievements
2017 3rd level award for outstanding organisational and social activity, popularisation of science, overall scientific and teaching achievements,
2018 individual 2nd level Rector's award for unique and creative scientific achievements
2021 individual 3rd level Rector's award for outstanding organisational and social activity, popularisation of science and overall scientific and teaching achievements
2021 She was awarded a Medal of the Commission of National Education for exceptional services to education.
2013 a grant from the Natolin European Center at the European University Institute in Florence, a grant within the Best Practices KUL project for a 3-month internship at the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University in Lutsk, Ukraine
2006-2007 a research grant for implementation of a scientific project (dissertation for doctoral degree) The Eastern Dimension of European Union Policy
She received about 30 grants from Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland for organizing Polish and foreign conferences.
Membership in editorial committees
2015-2016, thematic editor of the journal Atheneum, Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Atheneum, Polish Political Science Studies], 2018 Przegląd Europejski [European Review], 2019 a member of the editorial board of Uluslararasi Politika Akademisi (UPA), since 2020 the Scientific Council of Roczniki Europeistyczne [The Annals of European Studies] and since 2020 the editorial board of UPA Strategic Affairs, since 2021 She has also been a member of the Scientific Council of Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations.
International cooperation
November 2017, participated in the Dialog Trójstronny Polsko-Rosyjsko-Ukraiński [Trilateral Polish-Russian-Ukrainian Dialogue] in Vienna with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation/FES, Regional Office of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (ROCPE) Austria, November 19, 2012 Kiev, participated also in The European Union, Central and Eastern Europe and Ukraine: Transformation, Prognosis and Perspectives project, Kiev Centre for European and Transatlantic Studies and International Renaissance Foundation's 'East - East' Programme.
She initiated scientific-didactic collaboration with the Scientific Centre Ucrainicum at the Faculty of Theology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. She cooperated with International Relations Department at Istanbul Gedik University in Turkey. She participated in the History, convictions of values and their importance for a successful state in Cadenabbia - Expert Workshop within the Multilateraler Dialog Konrad Adenauer Stiftung with its registered office in Vienna (Italy, November 2021). She has participated in a 3-year project (2020-2022) with the European Centre in Natolin/College of Europe in Natolin - Natolin4Capacity Building (N4CB), co-financed by the European Union/European Commission, “Capacity Building for Integration and Reform - a European project for the European Union enhancing the administrative capacity of Ukrainian civil service for European integration through a comprehensive educational programme” (authorial module of e-learning course, entitled Policy Coordination and Decision-Making for EU Affairs from Ukraine's perspective; project partners: the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service and the Delegation of the EU to Ukraine, November 2021).
She has written numerous reviews of scientific articles in Polish and foreign peer-reviewed journals on international relations and European integration subjects area, i.e., Rocznik Strategiczny [Strategic Yearbook], Przegląd Europejski [European Review], Rocznik Europeistyczny [Annals of European Studies], Rocznik Nauk Społecznych KUL [The Annals of Social Sciences at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin], Myśl Polityczna i Społeczna [Political and Social Thought], Stosunki Międzynarodowe [International Relations], Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej [Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe], Przegląd Nauk Stosowanych [Review of Applied Sciences], Sprawy Międzynarodowe [International Affairs], Przegląd Zachodni [The Western Review], Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations, Polish Journal of International Studies, East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Atheneum, Polskie Studia Politologiczne [Atheneum. Polish Political Science Studies] in Polish and English version, Forum - Scientific Journal of Students; Prace IES [Institute of Central Europe - Working Papers] and IES Policy Papers. Editorial reviewer of Polish and foreign publications (6). She was a reviewer in grant committees of scientific projects in Poland and abroad. She was an external expert in the competitions of the National Science Centre: OPUS in 2009 and SONATA 2010. She was also a reviewer in the postdoctoral committee and its member.
Positions held at the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration at KUL: Supervisor of 2nd year master’s degree students of Political Science, 2nd year students of National Security in the academic years 2014/2015 – 2015/2016 and bachelor’s degree students of International Relations since 2016/2017. She is a Coordinator for MOST – Mobility Programme for Students and Doctoral Students of KUL and a Coordinator for monitoring professional careers of KUL graduates. She is a member of the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration Committee for adjustment of learning outcomes to the requirements of The Polish Qualifications Framework in the fields of National Security and International Relations.
Since 2020 she has been the tutor of the International Relations Scientific Group at the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration of KUL. Since 2020 she has been a member of the Programme Committee of the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration of KUL and a member of the Departmental Education Quality Committee. She was involved in the drafting of the degree programme report for international relations for the Polish Accreditation Committee. Since 2019, she has been the editor-in-chief of the journal Studies and Analyses of Political Sciences.
Ewa Zdanikowska MA
Address: Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, room 135
Phone +48 81 445 41 35;
e-mail:prorektor.studenci [at]