1. Staff

  • Rev. prof. dr hab. Marian Nowak, Professor, Department Person

  • Rev. prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Pierzchała

  • Dr Anna Szudra-Barszcz, Assistant Professor

  • Dr hab. Piotr Magier, Associate Professor

  • Rev. dr hab. Marek Jeziorański, prof. KUL, Associate Professor

    Department of General Pedagogy, in accordance with the tradition of practising this discipline in Poland and abroad, is a key department for the Pedagogy studies in Institute of Pedagogy KUL, and at the same time it creates a unique basis for other pedagogical disciplines. It gives them theoretical foundation and protects them from diffusion and loosing their pedagogical character. Basic research line of the Department concentrates on the first, primate issues of Pedagogy. It enables and facilitates construction of statements concerning all educational processes. Research tasks of the Department, in accordance with the status of general pedagogy, concentrates on describing educational phenomena according to their essence, role and significance in a wider social and life context. It leads to the questions of sense, significance and role of the basic facts (read both in personal and social dimension). The Department works also on the principles of establishing the aims of education, searching the conduct of the process of education and formation and its results - it means reaching for the reasons, showing the goal and necessity of undertaking certain activities (pedagogical aetiology).

    Such a research approach on the one hand gives the created theory a timeless and universal character, on the other hand it requires multi-directionality and openness to the richness of problems according to the maxim - talk about education and formation - it means to talk about everything. The basis trend of this research is analysis and systematisation of the basis problems of pedagogy and a detailed analysis of the structure of the process of education and formation. This leads in the direction of the theory of education (that analyses process of education and formation and its structure) and the relationship of education and formation to other kinds of human activity.

    Great services to a module of the Department's work and to establishing the field of the Department's research was rendered by Zygmunt Mysłakowski and Stefan Kunowski (1909 - 1978). Special attention is paid to Stefan Kunowski's conception of integral education and formation, in the framework of a specific continuation of his research that are sometimes known as Lublin's pedagogy. Most valuable attempts of working out the specificity of general pedagogy and its relationship to theory of education and attempts of describing education and formation as specific help in self-education and self-formation, were undertaken by Teresa Kukołowicz. The present chairperson of the Department of General Pedagogy, Marian Nowak, develops research on pedagogical methodology and foundations of pedagogy: its ontological and axiological bases and the foundations connected with basic disciplines of pedagogy: philosophical, psychological and social bases of education and formation.

    The research conducted are connected with analysis of education and formation in social and personal context and with works on the structure and theories of the process of education, social ethos and its educational dimension. The research is done in the framework of the trend of thoughts of the Lublin's philosophical school, especially so-called reasonable realism. In this framework the Chair undertakes research works connected with the possibility and inevitability of education and formation - among others possibility and chances of re-socialisation and integrative conceptions of education and formation in the work of educational institutions (M. Nowak, T. Wach, Z. Iwański). Next field of research embraces the role of the John Paul II's teaching for education and formation and for pedagogy - especially for social education (M. Sztaba). Other direction of research undertaken by the staff members are directions and trends of pedagogical thought (M. Nowak, P. Magier) - especially personalistic pedagogy and Christian pedagogy (its universality and relationships among theology, philosophy and pedagogy). The problems of media education and health education are also undertaken. Another field of research is multi-culturalism and interculturalism: problems of inter-cultural and inter-confessional education and pedagogical reflection on the problem of cultural and confessional diversity are undertaken in co-operation with the centres of these research in Cieszyn (T. Lewowicki) and Białystok (J. Nikitorowicz).

    The research subjects undertaken during the recent years direct the present day research of the Department. They are connected with: anthropological and personalistic basis of education and formation, philosophical basis of pedagogy, connections of pedagogy with axiology and ontology, different fields of education and formation - mainly moral education and formation (formation of the conscience), physical and health education, patriotic education, social education, directions of humanistic pedagogy (P. Magier) and so called new humanism. The conception of open pedagogy, understood in Christian inspiration and in a dynamic manner has been worked out in the Department. It is described in a detailed way in a monograph Teorie i koncepcje wychowania (Theories and conceptions of education and formation), 2008. Among other research subjects there are the following: personalistic and open theory of education and formation; teachers' ethos, social ethos, ethos of a social worker; freedom, responsibility and education and formation; People's Catholic Universities (A. Jaworska), axiology in re-socialisation (Z. Iwański), process of communication in health education. The Department leads also a scientific and research co-operation with all-Poland and foreign centres. Prof. dr hab. Marian Nowak is a member of the Committee of General Pedagogy of the Committee of Pedagogical Science of Polish Academy of Science (PAN) and a member of the board of directors of the Polish Pedagogical Association, co-initiator of the Seminars on the Methodology of Pedagogy - the Department was a co-organiser of the First Seminar on the Methodology of Pedagogy in 2004 in Dąbrowica - Lublin and a co-organiser of the VI All-Poland Pedagogical Symposium in Lublin in 2007.  Prof. dr hab. M. Nowak is also a member of the Scientific Editorial Committee of Encyklopedia pedagogiczna XXI wieku (Pedagogical Encyclopaedia of the 21st century) (under the direction of T. Pilch), works as a consultant and a reviewer of the entries from the field of General Pedagogy and Theory of Education.


Scientific and research co-operation is realised with Polish and foreign centres, among others with: 

  • Association Catholique Internationale des Institutions de Sciences de l'éducation (M. Nowak is at present a member of the Presidium of ACISE);

  • Katholische Akademie in Bayern - München (Germany) - research on pedagogical thought of R. Guardini  (M. Nowak);

  • Participation in Problem Committee of the General Pedagogy of the Committee of Pedagogical Science of Polish Academy of Science (M. Nowak, A. Jaworska);

  • Participation in Committee on Pedagogy of Culture and Multi-cultural Education of the Committee of Pedagogical Science of Polish Academy of Science (M. Nowak)

  • Participation in Committee on Social Pedagogy of the Committee of Pedagogical Science of Polish Academy of Science (M. Nowak, M. Sztaba);

  • Co-operation in a research plan on Conceptual and practical issues relating to affective education from a European perspective (M. Nowak). Project manager is Peter Lang from Institute of Education of University of Warwick, Coventry, England;

  • Co-operation with Pedagogy Faculty of the Salesianum University in Rome, Catholic University in Milan, University in Leuven (Belgium), Catholic Institute in Paris (M. Barth) and Universities of Applied Science in Münster  and Köln (educational and research initiatives in the framework of European Spring Academy), co-operation with Institute of Pedagogy of the Catholic University in Rożemberok, Slovakia; co-operation with scientific centres in France and in Germany ("Procora" project);

  • Systematic co-operation with other universities in the framework of the Committee of Christian Pedagogy of the Committee of Pedagogical Science of Polish Academy of Science - the president of this Committee since 2004 has been Prof. dr hab. M. Nowak;

  • Co-operation in organisation of the Seminars on the Methodology of Pedagogy (with the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University)

  • Co-operation with Institute of Pedagogy of State High Professional School by the name of Pope John Paul II in Biała Podlaska, with Faculties of Pedagogy of Marie Curie-Skłodowska University, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and others.


The most important conferences organised by our Department:


  • Conference under the patronage of the Committee of General Pedagogy of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of Polish Academy of Science: Problemy aksjologiczne w pedagogice ogólnej(Axiological problems in general pedagogy), Dabrowica - Lublin 23-25 May 1996;

  • Scientific Conference: Wychowanie - Kultura - Chrześcijaństwo. (Education - Culture - Christianity), Lublin, 11-12 December 1998;

  • Conference dedicated to Prof. Stefan Kunowski (1909-1977) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his death: Caring for integral education, 12-14 September 2002;

  • Co-organisation of the First, Second and Third International Conference on Art. Therapy, together with foundation for handicapped people Nieprzetarty Szlak Foundation: From theatre to therapy,  Lublin, 2005, 2006 and 2007;

  • Co-organisation (with the Institute of National Education of the Servire Veritati Foundation) of the Third All-Poland Conference of Teachers: Jak kształtować charakter młodzieży? (How to form the Adolescents' Character?),5 March 2005;

  • Organisation of the International Meeting and Conference of ACISE at KUL: Wkład uniwersytetów katolickich w przemiany społeczne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (The participation of catholic universities in social changes in Central and Eastern Europe), 21-24 April 2006, Lublin;

  • Conference of the Committee of General Pedagogy of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of Polish Academy of Science: Antropologia i antropologiczne podstawy w pedagogice ogólnej (Anthropology and anthropological foundations in general pedagogy), 11-14 June 2007.


The most important publications:


1. Monographs of the chairperson of the Department of General Pedagogy:

  • M. NOWAK 'Giovinezza' ed 'autoformazione' secondo Romano Guardini (Roma, Editrice Gregoriana, 1989, ss. 308;

  • M. NOWAK Podstawy pedagogiki chrześcijańskiej (Foundations of Christian Pedagogy) (Lublin, Pracownia Poligraficzna S.H.K."Zawisza",1995, ss. 158.

  • M. NOWAK Podstawy pedagogiki otwartej (Foundations of open pedagogy) Lublin, RW KUL, 1999, ss. 637.

  • M. NOWAK Teorie i koncepcje wychowania (Theories and conceptions of education and formation) Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, 2008, ss. 583.


2. Edited publications and works of the Department's staff members:

  1. M. NOWAK - T. KUKOŁOWICZ (red.), Pedagogika ogólna. Problemy aksjologiczne (General Pedagogy. Axiological problems) (Lublin, 1997);

  2. M. NOWAK - T. OŻÓG (red.), Wychowanie chrześcijańskie a kultura (Christian education and culture), Lublin, RW KUL, 2000;

  3. M. NOWAK - T. OŻÓG - A. RYNIO (red.), W trosce o integralne wychowanie (Caring about integral education and formation), Lublin, Wydawnictwo KUL, 2003;

  4. Z. KRZYSZOWSKI - M. NOWAK - S. SIECZKA (red.), Z potrzeby serca .... Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana księdzu doktorowi Edwardowi Pohoreckiemu Dyrektorowi Instytutu Wyższej Kultury Religijnej przy KUL (From the heart. The anniversary book for Rev. Dr Edward Pohorecki, Director of the Institute of High Religion Culture at KUL), Lublin, Instytut Wyższej Kultury Religijnej, 2004;

  5. J. MARCHEL - M. NOWAK (red.), Zapotrzebowania a oferta edukacyjna w lokalnej polityce oświatowej (Needs and educational offer in local educational policy), Biała Podlaska, Wydawnictwo PWSZ, 2004, s.316;

  6. M. NOWAK - C. KALITA (red.), Pedagogiczna inspiracja w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II (Pedagogical inspiration in the John Puul II's teaching), Biała Podlaska, PWSZ, 2005.

  7. D. KUBINOWSKI - M. NOWAK (red. n.), Metodologia pedagogiki zorientowanej humanistycznie (Methodology of the humanisticly oriented pedagogy), Kraków, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls", 2006.

  8. A. JAWORSKA - B. KASPRZAK - M. NOWAK (rev.) - A. WOJNAROWSKA - M. STANOWSKI (red.), Od teatru do terapii (From theatre to therapy), Vol. I Między teorią a praktyką (Between theory and practice), Lublin, Rekreacyjny Klub Nieprzetartego Szlaku, 2006.

  9. J. RUTKOWIAK - D. KUBINOWSKI - M. NOWAK (red.), Edukacja, moralność, sfera publiczna (Education, morality, public sphere). Materiały z VI Ogólnopolskiego Zjazdu Pedagogicznego PTP, Lublin, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Verba", 2007.

  10. E. KONOVALUK - M. NOWAK (red.), Praca - etos - wychowanie (Work - ethos - education), Biała Podlaska, PWSZ im. Papieża Jana Pawła II (Wydawnictwo i Drukarnia NOVA SANDEC), 2007.



e-mail: marian.nowak@kul.lublin.plpedog@kul.pl