Monika Walczak - hab. PhD, associate professor at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (2015-2020), its Vice-Dean (2013-2015); manager of the project awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education to the Catholic University of Lublin “Regional Initiative of Excellence” (2019-2023); employed at the Department of Methodology of Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy.


general philosophy of science and methodology of sciences, contemporary epistemology (especially Anglo-Saxon, transcendental philosophy), methodology of the humanities, informal logic, and most recently philosophy and methodology of interdisciplinarity.


Currently working on a research project on the category and phenomenon of interdisciplinarity in contemporary theory and institutional (administrative) praxis.


2013   Habilitation in philosophy; habilitation book: "Insight and Knowing. Bernard J. F. Lonergan's Epistemology", Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2012 (in Polish).

2001   PhD. in philosophy; doctoral thesis: "The Rationality of Science. Epistemological and Methodological Study" (in Polish), supervisor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bronk (KUL).


1989-1994   Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy KUL; MA in philosophy in 1994; MA dissertation: "Rationality of Science according to John Watkins" (in Polish), supervisor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bronk.
1987-1992   Studies at the Faculty of Theology KUL; MA in theology in 1992; MA dissertation: "The Nature and Attributes of God in Saint Augustine Confessiones" (in Polish), supervisor: dr Franciszek Szulc.


Courses in informal logic (critical thinking), logical semiotics, philosophy of science, theory of science and methodology of sciences for students of philosophy, humanities, educational studies, cultural studies, and recently of cognitive science.


2017-2019   Chair of the Programme Committee of the 11th Polish Philosophical Congress, September 8-14th 2019 (

2015-2020   Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

2013-2015   Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.


Monographs (in Polish):
2022   co-authored with Andrzej Bronk, Stanisław Majdański, Logos problematicos or Problem with Problem, Lublin: Academicon 2022 (in Polish), in print.

2012   Insight and Cognition. Epistemology of Bernard J. F. Lonergan (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL).

2006   The Rationality of Science: Problems, Conceptions, and Arguments (Lublin: TN KUL).


Collective works (in Polish):
2019   co-edited with Stanisław Janeczek, Anna Starościc, Methodology of Sciences, Part 1 What is Science?, Part 2 Methodological Specificity of Sciences, series "Didactics of Philosophy", vol. 9 (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL).

2010   Methodology: Tradition and Perspectives (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL).

1998 co-edited with Andrzej Bronk, Worldview – Religion – Theology. Philosophical and Methodological Issues, Volume 5 of Selected Works of Professor Stanisław Kamiński (Lublin: TN KUL).


Over fifty articles in Polish and in English, some on interdisciplinarity in science:


2024   Wgląd, nieświadomość i podmiotowość. Kilka uwag do problemu genezy wglądu w klasycznych koncepcjach wglądu, "Roczniki FIlozoficzne"  72, nr 2, s. 259-276, DOI:


2022   (Nie)samodzielność epistemiczna wiedzy przez znajomość , „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria” 31, nr 4 (124), s. 237-254; DOI: 10.24425/pfns.2022.143862


2022  The Interdisciplinary Problem: An Analysis. „Analiza i Egzystencja” 60 (2022), s. 21–42; DOI: 10.18276/aie.2022.60-02k


2020 The Categories of Interdisciplinarity and Integration in Relation to Stanisław Kamiński’s Analytical-Ordering Schemas, w: J. Wojtysiak, Z. Wroblewski, A. Gut (red.), Lublin School of Philosophy - A Comparative Perspective, Lubin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 183-216.


2020  Kategoria statusu metodologicznego nauki (The category of methodological status of science), w: J. Maciaszek (red.), Analiza, racjonalność, filozofia religii. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Ryszardowi Kleszczowi, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 121-136.


2019  Kategorie interdyscyplinarności i integracji a analityczno-porządkujące schematy Stanisława Kamińskiego, w: J. Wojtysiak, Z. Wróblewski, A. Gut (red.), Lubelska Szkoła Filozoficzna w porównaniach, Seria: Pomniki polskiej myśli filozoficznej, teologicznej i społecznej: lubelska szkoła filozoficzna, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 207-243.

2016   Is Interdisciplinary Knowledge Possible?, „Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa” nr 1, 113-126 (in Polish).

2015   The Classical Notion of Knowledge and Interdisciplinarity of Science, „ATINER Conference Paper Series” No: PHI2015-1437,

2015   The Interdisciplinary Nature of the Cultural Studies Concept of Culture, „Człowiek i Społeczeństwo” 39, 135-152 (in Polish).

2010   Between Discipline and Interdisciplinary Domain: Comments on the Methodological Status of Cultural Studies, „Roczniki Kulturoznawcze” 1, nr 1, 7-41 (in Polish).


2019-2022   Head of the grant "Philosophy and Theology in the Context of Contemporary Transformations of Science" under the Ministry of Science and Education Regional Excellence Initiative program received by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin for the disciplines of philosophy and theology, grant nr rej028/RID/2018/19.

2010 and 2013 One month scholarship for Lonergan studies from Lonergan Institute Boston College/ USA

2009-2011   Individual grant nr 1499/B/HO3/2009/37 founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the research on epistemology of B. Lonergana, titled: "Insight – Self-knowledge – Objectivity. Study of Epistemology of Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984)".

May 2007   Scholarship of the program SOKRATES-Erasmus, Universidad de Murcia, Facultad de Filosofia (Spain).

2007   Individual prize of the President of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) for the book "The Rationality of Science. Epistemological and Methodological Study" (Lublin: TN KUL 2006).

2001/2002   Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Boston College/USA.

2001   scholarship of Batory Foundation for young scholars.

2000   Grant for the doctoral thesis founded by Committee of Research in Poland (now: National Science Centre, Poland).