dr habil. Dariusz Skórczewski, Associate Professor



e-mail: deanfh@kul.pl

Office hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 12.00-13.00

via MS Teams

(an appointment needs to be made via Katarzyna Socha

mail: ksocha@kul.pl; tel. +48 445 44 46)



dr habil. Jolanta Klimek-Grądzka, Associate Professor

Vice-dean for Student Affairs


e-mail: prodziekanwnh@kul.pl


Office hours:
Tuesday and Friday: 12.00-13.00


via MS Teams

(type name and surname in the tab: CALLS)


dr habil. Monika Sidor, Associate Professor

Vice-dean for Education

Head of Doctoral Studies

e-mail: prodziekanwnh.ksztalcenie@kul.pl


Office hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 12.00-13.00


via MS Teams

(an appointment needs to be made via Katarzyna Socha

mail: ksocha@kul.pl; tel. +48 445 44 46)