University / Governance / Vice-rector / Rev. Dr. habil. Jarosław Jeczeń
Vice-rector for education
Rev. Dr. habil. Jarosław Jeczeń

Rev. Dr. Jarosław Jęczeń - a long-standing academic lecturer at the Institute of Family Sciences at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Lublin, an assistant at the Department of Social, Hospice and Palliative Care and vice-president of the Catholic University of Lublin Development Foundation. He has been involved in media communication for many years as an expert in mass media ethics. He has held significant positions in university units - he was, among others, director of the School of Polish Language and Culture at KUL and director of the Institute of Family Sciences and Social Work. In the years 2004-2008 he represented the university authorities as a delegate of the Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin for cooperation with foreign countries (contacts with the Association of Friends of the Catholic University of Lublin in Canada and the United States). In addition, Fr Jęczeń has worked as a journalist, as well as deputy director of Catholic Radio Lublin and director of Radio PLUS Lublin. The scope of his scientific research is anthropology of mass media, interpersonal and media communication based on the personalistic direction of thought of Karol Wojtyła.
mgr Julita Topyła