Full-time B.A. programme
A three-year B.A. course; 45 candidates admitted; students can specialise in Teaching German as a Foreign Language - which enables them to teach German in primary to secondary schools and to teach another chosen subject in primary schools - and/or in Translation.
Full-time M.A. programme
Two-year M.A. course, available from the academic year 2010/11 for students who have graduated from the B.A. course.
Full-time and part-time doctoral programme
Four-year tuition-paid course for graduates of the M.A. course.
Classes comprise lectures, reading groups and seminars.
The B.A. programme consists of five subfields:
1. Intensive language training, the result of which is the student’s near native language competence; the Practical Learning of the German Language is a cycle of classes (810 teaching hours) subdivided into the following courses:
- Phonetics
- Practical Grammar
- Syntax
- Listening Practice
- Speaking
- Writing
- Business German
- Professional German
2. Literary training: history of the German-language literature (German, Swiss and Austrian) from the Middle Ages to contemporary fiction, as well as a basic course in the theory of literature.
3. Linguistic training, offering the student a detailed knowledge of the grammar of the German language and of the main research fields in linguistics.
4. Cultural studies, comprising the history and culture of Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
5. Teacher training, preparing students for teaching German as a foreign language.
All classes are conducted in German.
Apart from the specialist courses students are required to complete general courses in Logic, History of Philosophy, English and Physical Education.
Each course is awarded ECTS credits. The number of credits obtained by a student should add up to 30 at the end of each term.
A B.A. course is completed with a B.A. thesis and a B.A. degree, as well as a specialisation in Teaching German as a Foreign Language and/or in Translation. An M.A. course is completed with an M.A. thesis and an M.A. degree.