Department of the Dutch Literature of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Realising the changes in the structure of the University, the Department of Dutch Language and Literature was divided into two departments in 2019: the Department of Dutch Language (belonging to the Institute of Linguistics) and the Department of Dutch Literature (belonging to the Institute of Literature).


The Department of Dutch Language and Literature is founded in 2007, and since 2008 the Department has been teaching Dutch Philology. From 2019, the faculty is run jointly by the Department of Dutch Language and the Department of Dutch Literature.


In June 2011, Dutch Philology KUL gave its first graduates. They can continue their passion and linguistic passion at MA studies. The Department of Dutch Literature and Language has been organizing second-cycle studies in Dutch philology since the 2011/2012 academic year. The Dutch Philology study program includes, in particular, the following learning content:

- active and fluent language learning education in Dutch literary studies,

- education in general linguistics and Dutch,

- education in culture and history of the Netherlands.


The Department of Dutch Literature ensures the highest quality of education and prospects in the labor market through:

- intensive contact with native speakers,

- have a balanced relationship between traditional and modern didactic methods,

- possibility of an internship in a company in Belgium or the Netherlands and in Polish enterprises cooperating with Belgium or the Netherlands,

- financed projects connected with stays in Belgium or the Netherlands.


The Department of the Dutch Literature has a dynamic contact position between the academic community and the business world.


The history of the Department

Its founders and managers were professors Eugeniusz Wiśniowski and Michał Kaczmarkowski. From 2002, the Center was headed by dr hab. Andrzej Budzisz, professor of the Catholic University of Lublin, who played a significant role in the work on the development and independence of the Center. At the time, the goal was to bring Dutch language and culture closer by organizing Dutch language courses as well as lectures and lectures on Dutch culture and literature. The Dutch Culture Center has also gathered a significant collection of scientific and didactic books.

From the 2007 academic year, the Dutch Culture Center, operating until now as an inter-faculty institute, has been transformed into the Department of Dutch Literature and Language at the Institute of English Philology. At the same time, a Dutch specialization for English students was created.

Classes are run by professors from the University of Leuven and employees of the cathedral from Poland, Belgium and the Netherlands. This rapid development was possible thanks to the staff and substantive support of the Catholic University of Leuven as well as financial support of the Dutch Language Union and the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands, which in 2007 was funded, among others a modern computer language laboratory.

In 2008, the Department of Dutch Literature and Language opened a new field of study: Dutch Philology. In 2019, the Department of Dutch Literature and Language was divided into the Department of Dutch Language and the Department of Dutch Literature. Both Chairs cooperate in scientific and didactic activities.


Promotional folder to download: Folder1.doc