Linda Zagzebski





Linda Zagzebski

University of Oklahoma, USA

Epistemic Authority

An Investigation of Trust, Authority, and Autonomy in Belief

30 hour-course
1 hour credit, 2 ECTS points

May 9-19, 2011



The purpose of these lectures is to investigate the way the ideas of authority and autonomy apply to beliefs, in particular, to moral and religious beliefs. Since the Enlightenment, it is common to be suspicious of authority and to think that autonomy requires greater trust in one's own epistemic faculties than in the faculties of others. I will argue that starting from some simple observations about the need for epistemic self-trust, it can be shown that we are rationally committed to epistemic trust in others and to trust in epistemic authority. This includes moral authority and authority in religious communities. I will argue that epistemic authority is compatible with intellectual autonomy, but intellectual autonomy should be distinguished from the very different notion of epistemic self-reliance.


  • Lecture 1: May 9 The suspicion of epistemic authority
  • Lecture 2: May 10, Epistemic self-trust
  • Lecture 3: May 11, Epistemic trust in others
  • Lecture 4: May 12, Trust in emotions
  • Lecture 5: May 13, Trust and authority
  • Lecture 6: May 16, Moral authority (longer lecture based on Wilde lecture 7)
  • Lecture 7: May 17, Authority in communities (Wilde lecture 6)
  • Lecture 8: May 18, Religious authority
  • Lecture 9: May 19, Trust, autonomy, and disagreement (longer lecture)

Questions should be directed to

  • dr hab. Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik (alekka[ at ] or
  • mgr Łukasz Cięgotura (ciegotura[ at ]


Organizatorzy dziękują
Jego Ekscelencji Księdzu Biskupowi Zbigniewowi Kiernikowskiemu,
Ordynariuszowi Diecezji Siedleckiej, której kapłanem był śp. ks. Prof. Stanisław Kamiński,
za finansowe wsparcie tegorocznych Wykładów

Organizatorzy dziękują firmie Peplinski & Banaszewski sp. z o.o.
za finansowe wsparcie tegorocznych Wykładów im ks. Stanisława Kamińskiego
Peplinski & Banaszewski Sp.z o.o.

Organizatorzy dziękują
Dyrekcji Regionu Południowo-Wschodniego Banku PEKAO SA
za wsparcie tegorocznych Wykładów


Autor: Andrzej Zykubek
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 18.01.2013, godz. 07:46 - Andrzej Zykubek