
Ewa Trzaskowska, Professor

Field of interest: landscape architecture, urban planning, urban ecology, nature and landscape protection
Current research: ecosystem services compact cities and adaptation to climate change trees as part of the urban greenery system
International cooperation:

    • Trzaskowska E. 2011. The possibility to reconcile the conflict between the preservation of synantropic vegetation and the development of cities. Acta Agrobotanica 64(4): 235-242
    • Trzaskowska E., Adamiec P. 2018. Contemporary problems of historical parks in Lublin province. Współczesne problem parków Lubelszczyzny. Topiarius. Landscape Studies 7: 67-79
    • Trzaskowska E., Lubiarz M. 2019. The problem of homogenisation of natural landscapes in Lublin by alien plant species. Prace Komisji krajobrazu kulturowego 41(1)

Contact: etrzaskowska [at] kul.pl

Lidiya Dubis

Joanna Renda

Dawid Soszyński Ph.D.

Field of interest: Rural public places - Local communities - Rural landscape - Riverside spaces - Spatial planning
Current research:

    • Rural public places - landscape, development and social functioning.
    • Vitality of rural riverside spaces. Analysis of forms and ways of development of three lowland river banks (NCN grant in the fields of HS4_14 - Socio-economic geography, HS4_15 - Urban planning, spatial management, HS6_20 - Public space)

International cooperation: Publication in cooperation with a foreign author: Soszyński, D., Sowińska-Świerkosz, B., Stokowski, P.A., & Tucki, A. (2018), Spatial arrangements of tourist villages: implications for the integration of residents and tourists, Tourism Geographies, vol. 20, issue 5, 770-790, DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2017.1387808
Contact: dawid.soszynski [at] wp.pl

Jan Kamiński PhD

Field of interest: city landscape sustainable urbanism green system of a city culture of space public parcipaon landscape of Lublin and Lublin region
Current research: green system of a city: connectivity, using, ecology urban wildscapes (enchanted natural places) system of dry valleys and gorges in Lublin
International cooperation:

    • i'm waiting for answer about research of Park Connector Netowrk in Singapore (PROM - NAWA Program)
    • Article - finished and ready to submit in "Landscape and Urban Planning": Kamiński J., Soszyński D., Trzaskowska E., Characterisc and significance of „enchanted natural places” in the city landscape on the example of Lublin, Poland

Contact: jankaminski [at] kul.pl

Katarzyna Karczmarz, Doctor

Field of interest: ornamental plants, landscape architecture, nature and landscape protection

Current research: effective micro-organisms in the cultivation of ornamental plants, utility plants rich in antioxidants, herbaceous plants as part of a system of urban greenery

International cooperation:

    • Karczmarz K., Marcinek B. 2018. Impact of mineral oils on dynamics in the aphids presence and virus infection of tulips 'Leen van der Mark' cv. in the field cultivation. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 17(2) 2018, 11-25
    • Karczmarz. K., Szmagara, A., Stefaniak, E. A. 2019. Ellagic acid content in selected wild species of fruit roses. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 18(5) 2019, 131–140
    • Karczmarz, K., Szmagara, A., Krzyszczak, A., Sadok, I., Staniszewska, M. M., Stefaniak, E. A. 2019. Determination of ellagic acid in rose matrix by spectrofluorimetry, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2019.02.003

Contact: kkarcz [at] kul.pl

Agnieszka Kułak, Ph.D.

Field of interest: Landscape physiognomy, Landscape style and aesthetic, Development of urban and suburban recreatoin zones, Ecosystem services (especially Cultural)
Current research: Research on the ecosystem services of Lublin's chosen habitats
Interntional cooperation: Chmielewski, T., Butler, A., Kułak, A., Chmielewski, S. (2018). Landscape’s physiognomic structure: conceptual development and practical applications. Landscape Research. 43. 410-427.
Contact: agnieszka.kulak [at] kul.pl

Piotr Szkołut

Paweł Adamiec

Wojciech Januszczyk