Mariola Laguna as an invited professor visited the University of Trento, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science in Rovereto.

November-December 2024


Polish Social Psychological Society awarded Mariola Laguna the Lifetime Achievement Award given to experienced researchers for their significant achievements in social psychology on an international level. Congratulations!
September 2024




Mariola Laguna and Wiktor Razmus visited the “Sapienza” University of Rome.

February 2024

SWPS Emilia Mielniczuk has been awarded a post-doctoral position at the SWPS University and is involved in a research project.

January 2024

16 Mariola Laguna has been elected a member of the Council of the National Science Centre.

December 2023

SWPS Ewelina Purc has been awarded a post-doctoral position at the SWPS University and is involved in an international research project.

February 2023

Polish Social Psychological Society awarded Wiktor Razmus the best poster award during the XVII Zjazd PSPS (2022) in Gdańsk. Congratulations!
September 2022

 Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIZofia Mazur-Socha has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis: Achievements in instrumental performance as a result of goal realization: The role of affect and implementation intentions. Congratulations! 

June 2022

 Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIAgnieszka Orłowska has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations! 

April  2022

Our paper has been recognized as a top cited article in 2020-2021 published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology:

Laguna, M., Mazur, Z., Kędra, M., Ostrowski, K. (2020). Interventions stimulating prosocial helping behavior: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 50(11), 676-696.

March 2022


Zofia Mazur-Socha visited Motivation Lab at the New York University.

February-May 2022

We are pleased to announce that Ewelina Purc has obtained the grant from the National Science Centre, Poland “Silver entrepreneurship: A preliminary qualitative study of entrepreneurs close to retirement age".
November 2021

We are pleased to announce that Emilia Mielniczuk has obtained the grant from the National Science Centre, Poland “The factorial structure and initial validation of two questionnaires of satisfaction”.
December 2020

We are pleased to announce that Zofia Mazur has obtained the Etiuda grant from the National Science Centre, Poland.
July 2020

 Mariola Laguna has been elected Vice-president of the Committee on Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

February 2020


Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania: the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Zofia Mazur visited the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester.

February 2020


Zofia Mazur has obtained the grant from the PROM Programme - International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff. Congratulations!

February 2020



Michal Kedra, Mariola Laguna, Zofia Mazur, Emilia Mielniczuk and Ewelina Purc visited the “Sapienza” University of Rome.

December 2019


 Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture during a scientific seminar at the Center of Research on Cognition and Behaviour, SWPS Sopot.

November 2019

 Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIEwelina Patynowska has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis: Personality and organizational determinants of sales representatives’ efficacy. Congratulations! 

November 2019

Minister of Science and Higher Education Poland awarded Wiktor Razmus the scholarship for excellent young researchers. Congratulations!

November 2019

Mariola Laguna visited Ghent University taking part in the Masters of Didactics Programme.

November 2019

 The article of Mariola Laguna and Wiktor Razmus was awarded the “Pozytyw 2018" award of the  Polish Positive Psychology Association for the best scientific publication:

Laguna, M., Razmus, W. (2018). When I feel my business succeeds, I flourish: Reciprocal relationships between positive orientation, work engagement, and entrepreneurial success. Journal of Happiness Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10902-018-0065-1

June 2019

Mariola Laguna received the title of Professor from the President of Poland during the ceremony at the presidential palace.

May 2019


Professor John Raven (UK) visited our Lab April 12th, 11-12.30 presenting the lecture: Standardization of intelligence tests. 


April 2019


Hrvatsko katoličko sveučiliÅ¡te Marijana Matijas from the Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Croatia, Zagreb visited our Lab March 27th.

March 2019

Delta State University Dr. Jacqueline Goldman from the Delta State University (USA) visited our Lab March 21st.

March 2019

Proporzec Prezydenta RP  The President of Poland awarded the title of Professor to Mariola Laguna.
February 2019


Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture “Between trait and state: The beliefs-affect-engagement model" at the Institute of Psychology Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw.

January 2019


Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania uned Mariola Laguna has participated as the Board of Examiners of Ana Laguía González’s doctoral Ph.D. thesis at UNED, Madrid.

January 2019

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II Members of our Lab have received awards of the Rector of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; Wiktor Razmus for scientific achievements, Emilia Mielniczuk and Mariola Laguna for organizational achievements.

December 2018

We are pleased to announce that Zofia Mazur has obtained the grant from the National Science Centre, Poland “Practicing a musical instrument as a process of goal realization: The role of affect and implementation intentions”.
November 2018

We are pleased to announce that Wiktor Razmus has obtained the grant from the National Science Centre, Poland “Walidacja skali do pomiaru zaangażowania w markę - badania pilotażowe”.
October 2018

  Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture “Nowe podejścia do analizy danych - nowe obszary poszukiwań teoretycznych" at the V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Rodzina – Praca, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź.

September 2018

 We have co-organized the 15th PSPS Conference, Lublin.

September 2018




  We have co-organized 39th STAR Conference: Stress, Anxiety and Resilience, Lublin.

July 2018



Polskie Forum Psychologiczne Special issue of "Polskie Forum Psychologiczne" entitled „Analiza danych: Nowe wyzwania/Data analysis: New challanges” edited by Mariola Laguna and Wiktor Razmus is now available.

June 2018




 We have organized the invited symposium: Pozytywna psychologia organizacji: afekt i dobrostan w kontekście funkcjonowania zawodowego, conveners: Mariola Laguna and Emillia Mielniczuk at the III Konferencja Psychologii Pozytywnej, Warsaw, July 2018.


 Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIEwelina Purc has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis: Personal values and innovative behaviour in organisation. Congratulations! 

June 2018


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Psychologii Organizacji - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Psychologii Organizacji We have organized the symposium: Wielopoziomowa analiza sukcesu przedsiębiorczego, convener: Mariola Laguna at the 3rd Congress of the Polish Association of Organizational Psychology, Lublin, May 2018.


 Zofia Mazur  become a member of the Executive Committee of the Polish Society of Social Psychology / Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologii Muzyki

May 2018




Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania University of Bordeaux Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture “Entrepreneurs’ personal goals: A multilevel approach" at the University of Bordeaux.

April 2018.

Professor Juan Antonio Moriano from the Spanish National Distance University (UNED), Madrid visited our Lab and presented a lecture:

Gender, age and entrepreneurship: A psychosocial perspective,

March 2018



 Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIKarolina Wałachowska has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis: Authentic leadership and innovative behaviour in organizations. Congratulations! 

February 21st 2018

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania lublin herb miasta Ewelina Purc has received a prestigious scholarship for distinguished PhD students from the Mayor of the city of Lublin. Congratulations!
January 2018



Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture “Psychological mechanisms stimulating innovation in entrepreneurial activity” at the “Sapienza” University of Rome.

December, 2017

 Our Ph.D. student Zofia Mazur  has opened her doctoral process.

December 2017






 Mariola Laguna has received Silver Cross of Merit awarded by the President of Poland in June 2017.
December 2017



A_Orlowska Our Ph.D. student Agnieszka Orłowska has opened her doctoral process.  

November 2017





Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania uned  Oleg Gorbaniuk, Mariola Laguna and Emilia Mielniczuk have presented their invited lectures at the Spanish National Distance University UNED in Madrid.

September, 2017


Portal PTP

We have organized the symposium: Data analysis: New challenges, conveners: Mariola Laguna and Wiktor Razmus, at the Congress of the Polish Psychological Association held  in Gdańsk.  

September, 2017

We are pleased to announce that we have succeeded in obtaining a grant from the National Science Centre, Poland “Prosocial actions and personal resources: Longitudinal research”, grant no. DEC-2016/23/B/HS6/03885, Principal Investigator: Mariola Laguna. The project will be carried out in cooperation with “Sapienza” University of Rome. 

August 2017

 Emilia Mielniczuk has successfully and cum laude defended her Ph.D. thesis: Personal resources and innovative behavior. Congratulations!

July 2017





We have organized the symposium: Zagadnienia psychologii pracy i organizacji ujmowane z perspektywy psychologii społecznej, convener: Mariola Laguna, at the 13th PSPS Conference held 16-18th September 2016 in Wrocław.  

September, 2016

Mariola Laguna was invited to present an invited lecture during the official Opening of the 2016-2017 Academic Year at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sopot. 

October, 2016

 Adam Zalinski Adam Żaliński has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis: Zasoby osobiste a sukces przedsiębiorczy. Badania podłużne/Personal resources and entrepreneurial success: Longitudinal analyses. Congratulations! 

July 12th 2016 




   We have presented our research at the 2nd PSPO Congress held 19-20 May 2016 in Sopot. 

May, 2016

ewelina Patynowska Our Ph.D. student Ewelina Patynowska has opened her doctoral process. 

May, 2016




     We have presented our research at the 4th Congress of the Cross-Cultural Psychology section of PSPS held 21-22 April 2016 in Lublin. 

April, 2016

  We have organized and hosted the I Working Group Meeting on Organizational BehaviorSocial Personality Psychology Lab, Lublin April 26-28th 2016. 

April, 2016


Logo_PSPS  We have presented our research at the 12th PSPS Conference held 3-6th September in Łódź. 

September, 2015 

 header-claim  We have organized the symposium: Entrepreneurship: Psychological perspective and new findings, convener: Mariola Laguna, at 14th European Congress of Psychology held 7-10th July 2015 in Milano, Italy. 

July, 2015

 Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture “Affect in entrepreneurial activity” during the Department of HR Studies Seminar at Tilburg University.

June 2015

 kinga lagowska Kinga Łagowska has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis: Konflikt i facylitacja między rolami rodzinnymi i zawodowymi a realizacja celów osobistych u przedsiębiorców. Congratulations! 

June 2015




  Two of our Ph.D. students have opened their doctoral process: Ewelina Purc and Karolina Wałachowska. 

June 08th 2015



Professor Guido Alessandri from “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy, visited our Lab again. 

April 20th 2015

 Our Ph.D. student Emilia Mielniczuk has opened her doctoral process.


April 16th 2015 






 We have presented our research at International Conference What’s Next For Democratic Capitalism? Social and Systemic Problems of Central European Democracies held 7-8 November 2014 in Warsaw, Poland. 

November, 2014


Portal PTP 

Mariola Laguna has presented the invited plenary lecture “Zasoby osobiste jako potencjał w realizacji celów” during the 35th Congress of the Polish Psychological Association held  in Bydgoszcz.
We have also organized the symposium: Zaangażowanie w pracę i przywiązanie do organizacji", conveners: Mariola Laguna and Sylwiusz Retowski.  

September, 2014



We have presented our research at 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology held 8-13th July 2014 in Paris, France. 

July 2014


Our Ph.D. and master students took part in the International Summerschool „Psychology of Entrepreneurship”, July 13–27, 2014 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Karolina Wałachowska & Agata Wajda.

Mariola Laguna is one of the organizers and teachers of the Summerschool. See:


July 2014

 Master students collaborating with our Lab have successfully defended their master theses. They have obtained top grades and some of them graduated cum laude. Congratulations!

June 2014


Anna Jaklik has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis: Determinants of trust in superiors and subordinates. Congratulations! 

June 13th 2014




We have obtained the Harmonia grant of The National Science Centre, Poland  "Multilevel analysis of entrepreneurial success" (MULTEN), nr DEC-2013/10/M/HS6/00475, Principal Investigator: Mariola Laguna. The project will be carried out in cooperation with Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Spanish University for Distance Education UNED. 

January  2014

Two papers of Magdalena Kossowska were nominated as the best papers of the JEPS Bulletin in 2013Congratulations! 



January  2014

Professor John B. Nezlek from College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, USA, has visited our Lab presenting a workshop “Multilevel data analysis” and lecture “An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling for Psychologists".


November 19-20th 2013

Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa im. Wojciecha Korgantego - Uczelnia Akademicka

Mariola Laguna has presented the invited plenary lecture “Zasoby osobiste przedsiębiorców w kontekście kryzysu gospodarczego” during the 3rd National Conference „Przedsiębiorczość w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego”, Katowice.
November 2013

 ViktoWRphdr Razmus has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis:

The Psycho-Social Benefits in Product Brand Image.





November 29th 2013

  Two of our Ph.D. students have opened their doctoral process: Kinga Łagowska and Adam Żaliński. 

September 2013



  plakatOur Ph.D. and master students took part in the International Summerschool „Psychology of Entrepreneurship”, July 8–19th 2013 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Emilia Mielniczuk, Ewelina Purc, Emilia Samardakiewicz, & Adam Żaliński.

Mariola Laguna is one of the organizers and teachers of the Summerschool.

July 2013

Professor Guido Alessandri from “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy, has visited our Lab presenting workshop “Longitudinal data analysis” and lecture “Structural and processual longitudinal determinants of prosociality”.  

June 2013

Master students collaborating with our Lab have successfully defended their master theses: Małgorzata Krysa, Łukasz Markiewicz, Emilia Mielniczuk, Ewelina Patynowska, Tomasz Perski, Izabela Podsiadło, Ewelina Purc, Karolina Wałachowska. They have obtained top grades and four of them graduated cum laude. Congratulations!

 June 2013




We have presented our research at 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2013 May 22-25th in Münster, Germany. 

May 2013 

 Mariola Laguna has presented the invited lecture “Positive psychological capital and goal realization” at the University of Seville.

April 2013




 Two of our Ph.D. students have opened their doctoral process: Viktor Razmus and Anna Jaklik. 

December 2012



 Mariola Laguna has presented the invited plenary lecture “Afekt i pozytywne przekonania jako wymiar jakości życia w kontekście rodzinnym i zawodowym” during the National Conference „Jakość życia w pracy i poza nią”, Zawady k. Częstochowy.
October 2012