About the Journal



Journal Studia Polonijne is a yearbook published  since 1976 by Institute for the Study of Polish Community and Its Ministry at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It focuses on interdisciplinary approach to Polish migration and Poles living abroad, called 'Polonia'.




Studia Polonijne covers such fields of research as History, History of the Church and Sociology. It is aimed at presenting the origins and history of the Polish diaspora abroad, its pastoral care and the complexity of its contemporary problems. The journal is divided into the following sections: Articles, Materials, The Chronicle of the Institute and The Reviews of books. Each part gives an account of various contexts of the Polish diaspora. The periodical was first published in 1976, in difficult times of communist-ruled Poland, with the main aim of establishing mutual understanding between the Poles at home and abroad.  During its almost 50-year-long history, Studia Polonijne has been bringing together many international scholars, from the United States, Canada, France, Latin America, Russia and many other countries.



Studia Polonijne is unique as it is the only journal in Poland focusing on the Polish diaspora, its history and problems. It is also highly specialized and dedicated to the Poles living abroad all over the world. Because of its role of spreading knowledge about Polonia among the Poles at home and abroad, it includes the texts written primarily in the Polish language. The journal supports strengthening the ties between Poland and its emigrants, reminding them about their Polish identity and culture.

The primary version of the journal is a paper edition. It is also avaiable in open access - Open Journal System







DOI: citation_linking_graphic_12x54_white  http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/sp



ISSN 0137-5210 | eISSN 2544-526X



Content of 'Studia Polonijne'

Content of 'Studia Polonijne' in CEEOL



The journal is indexed by the following databases:

ICI Journals Master List / ICI World of Journals, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), BazHum, PBN/POL-Index, CEJSH, Google Scholar



Articles are licensed under a Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Autor: Maria Furtak
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 05.04.2024, godz. 12:06 - Paweł Sieradzki