Adjunct at the Chair of Media Culture

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Ph.D., Adjunct at the Chair of Media Culture, of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin; Member of: Polish Social Communication Association, Polish Sociological Association; Research and scientific interests: consumption, social advertising, public relations, medial sociotechniques.



Theories and Researches on Consumption. Lublin: KUL Publishing 2017 pp. 606.

The Language of Myths in Advertisements. Lublin: KUL Publishing 2010 pp. 225.


Editor of Monographs:

Media frames on identities. Lublin: KUL Publishing 2017 pp. 220.

Media representations of culture. Society - Politics - Promotion. Lublin: KUL Publishing 2015 ss. 240.

Public relations of cities and regions. Best practices. Warsaw: Difin Publishing 2010 ss. 274.


Major articles and book chapters (2013-2016):

Value changes in Polish press advertising based on the analysis of the “Newsweek” and the “Polityka” weeklies. „Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu” 2015 no 414: 136-154.

Logo culture, no logo or post logo? Beyond ideological meaning of a brand [in:]  Drift over time. The public spectacle twenty years later. M. Sokołowski (ed.). Olsztyn: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski Publishing 2015: 45-64.

Religious symbols and spiritualities in advertising [in:] Media representation of culture. Literature. Art. Theatre. Religion. A. Sugier-Szerega (ed.). Lublin: KUL Publishing 2015: 197-214.

Woman's press - between advertorial and information. „Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski” 2015 no 3: 22-35.

Analysis of children discourse about brands. „Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 2015 no 3(58): 626-637.

What to play with?: functions of brands for children. „Kultura i Edukacja” 2014 no 3(103): 288-312.

Social meaning of brands among children. „Marketing i Rynek”  2014 no. 4: 38-44.

Consumer identity discourses in polish women's magazines. „Sociology & Healthcare” 2014 vol. 2: 359-374.

Brand's sociotechnics in the context of the theory of consumer culture and contesting social movements. „Forum Socjologiczne” 2013 no 4: 133-153.

Consumer resistance strategies - desertion from the market or cooperation?  „Kultura i Społeczeństwo” 2013 no 4: 49-67.

Culture of Consumption: Poles‘ Consumer Attitudes. „Advances in Social Sciences Research“ June 2013: 171-186.