Head of the Chair of Visual Communication
e-mail: justyna.szulich-kaluza@kul.pl
Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Chair of Visual Communication, of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin; Member of: Polish Sociological Association, Polish Media Education Association, Polish Cultural Association, Polish Society for Film and Media Studies and Social Academy; Research and scientific interests: image of the family in mass media, methods of studying media messages (textual and visual), the use of qualitative research orientation in studies in the field of journalism and social communication; Publications: Projekty tożsamościowe rodziny upowszechniane w polskich tygodnikach opiniotwórczych (The family identity projects presented in the Polish opinion weeklies) (2013); Małżeństwo i rodzina w polskiej prasie (The marriage and the family in the Polish press) (2011), Tożsamość i komunikacja (Identity and communication), ed. with L. Dyczewski, R. Szwed (2011); Stałość i zmienność tożsamości (Stability and variability of the identity), ed. with L. Dyczewski, R. Szwed, Lublin (2010); Odmiany tożsamości (Varieties of the identity), ed. with R. Szwed, L. Dyczewski (2010).