Assistant researcher at the Chair of Media Social Communication





From 2001 to 2016 Aneta Wójciszyn-Wasil was a radio journalist at the Cultural Journalism Department of Polish Radio Lublin, she was awarded a number of awards and distinctions for radio programmes, such as GRAND PRIX Lubelskiej Nagrody Młodych Stowarzyszenia Dziennikarzy RP, Medal Wschodniej Fundacji Kultury “Akcent”, Nagroda Marszałka Województwa Lubelskiego. The author of the book Sztuka radiowa w Polsce i jej krytyka do 1939 roku [Radio Art in Poland and Criticism Thereof until 1939], Lublin 2012. Research interests include genres and narrative structures in a radio broadcast, as well as methodological issues of radio journalism. Member of The  Polish Society for Film and Media Studies.


PhD in Humanities (2009)


Tutor of the 2nd year graduate studies programme at the Dempartment of Journalism and Social Communication (2016/2017)


Tutor of the Journalism Student Research Group (2016-)