Adjunct professor at at the Chair of Visual Communication
Habilitated doctor Małgorzata Gruchoła
Adjunct professor at the Chair of Visual Communication, of the Institute of Journalisms and Social Communication, of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin (from 2017);
Member of The Learned Society of the KUL, Polish Cultural Association, Polish Media Education Association, Polish Communication Association, Polish Society for Film and Media Studies, the Editorial Board of "Roczniki Kulturoznawcze” (“Annales of Cultural Studies”); Scientific interests: visual communication in new media and information and communication technologies; stages of internet development (Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Semantic Internet, Internet of Things) in the aspect of visual culture; social and cultural impact of the media; media culture; Publications: Ochrona telewidza w III Rzeczypospolitej (The protection of the TV audience in the III Republic of Poland) (2003); Gmina Kock dawniej i dziś (The commune of Kock in the past and in the present) (2006); Polityka społeczna w gminie Kock (Social policy in the commune Kock)( 2008); Ochrona użytkowników internetu w państwach Unii Europejskiej (The protection for internet users in European Union countries) (2012); Władysław Froch. W poszukiwaniu tożsamości (Władysław Froch. In search of identity) (2017); The author of five monographs and of more than eighty articles published in scientific journals and collective studies.