Retired Head of Institut and Chair of Semiotics and Rhetoric in Audio-visual Journalism
Prof. Karol Klauza was born on 2 november 1947 in Szczecin.
He pursued in 1967 the traditional course of studies in philosophy, theology and theological massmediology in Kraków, Warszawa, Rome and Louvain-la-Neuve.
After receiving his doctorate in theology in 1981, he taught at the Catholic University in Lublin and starts with redactional and journalistic works at Warszawa, Lublin, Puławy and Częstochowa.
In 2001 he was appointed professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Lublin, espacialy in field of iconological semantic and retorical experiences.
From 1991 he was a member-fundator of the Catholic Journalists Society in Poland.
In 1995 became the president of this Society. Since 1996 he is appointed professor in postgraduated rethoric studies in Jegiellonian University in Kraków.
In 2008 elected the director of Journalism and Social Communication Institut in Catholic University in Lublin.
Main publications in languages in last years:
- Contemporary Spirituality in the XXI Century Catholic Social Discourse, lecture in International Scientific Conference in Pontificia Universita Gregoriana (Rome) 4-5.03 2015: Renewing the Church in a Secular Age. Holistic Dialogue and Kenotic Vision [ text in materials of Conference]
- A Semiotic Interpretation of Pope John Paul II's Pilgrimage to Israel on 21-26 March 2000, „The Person and the Challenges: The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II” (ISSN: 2083-8018) 2014 nr 4,2 s. 61-81
- The iconic anthropology of the „Eight Day”, „Letopis Supraski” 2015 nr 6 s. 136-152
- Member in debates during International Scientific Conference: Global Communication Association Conference - Kraków 26-29 2010
- I tratti fondamentali della mariologia nelle "Catechesi marianae”, w: : La Vergine Maria nel Magistero di Giovanni Paolo II, Citta del Vaticano 2007 [Studi Mariologici t. 11] s. 255-270
- Kibeho - programme marial pour notre époque, w: Jakacki, Apparitions de la "Mère du Verbe" à Kibeho: (Rwanda, 28.11.1981 - 28.11.1989) : premières apparitions mariales en Afrique reconnues par l’Église, Kigali (Rwanda) 2013 s. 13-16